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  1. SuzyQ

    breast implants

    I had mine done last April. I went from a 34A to a 34C. I LOVE them! It cost $5300. My doctor was awesome - he's in the Philadelphia area. Mine were done under the muscle. I had pain for 3 days, until the ace bandage came off. Then I was great. On day 4 we went up to Connecticut to see...
  2. SuzyQ

    Suzy-Q won 1st place

    I don't mine at all! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  3. SuzyQ

    Went shopping today . . .

    It does at least one exercise per body part, although it doesn't always do it well. Tried tricep extension tonight, but it's not really comfortable (it uses a straight bar). However, bicep curls are awesome! Shoulder press is really good, too.
  4. SuzyQ

    KRL - Just Wanted to Know . . .

    Are they ever?
  5. SuzyQ

    Went shopping today . . .

    It was $899. CC worked out on it tonight, and said it was great. He did shoulders and bench.
  6. SuzyQ

    Went shopping today . . .

  7. SuzyQ

    Went shopping today . . .

    It's making me motivated to go down there and try it out! I just want to do pecs on it - I always have trouble with free weights with my pecs - always overextend my shoulders.
  8. SuzyQ

    Went shopping today . . .

    And look what we bought! It's the Powertec Leverage Multisystem. It came in 5 boxes - maybe we'll finish putting it together by the end of the weekend!
  9. SuzyQ

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    Re: Re: Re: Re: 2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold By the way, bring an extra suitcase for your freebies - you'll need it! We filled a whole duffle bag and still didn't have enough room last time!
  10. SuzyQ

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    Re: Re: Re: 2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold There are TONS of sample supplements (drinks, bars, etc.), but we couldn't find any good restaurants last year. However, we didn't have a car so we were stuck downtown. This year we'll have a car so we'll be able to find better restaurants. It's an...
  11. SuzyQ


    Six Feet Under and Carnivale - I don't watch anything else except a movie every now and then.
  12. SuzyQ

    Are Men stronger than

    I agree that men are stronger physically. However, I must disagree with a blanket statement that men are stronger mentally and emotionally. It has been proven that men's brains work differently from women's brains. Both have their advantages and disadvantages - neither is superior to the...
  13. SuzyQ

    Who makes this Machine

    We're buying it, we're buying it!
  14. SuzyQ

    Valentine's Day

    Held my 4 year old all night while she threw up - probably about 8 times, poor kid!
  15. SuzyQ

    Who makes this Machine

    When are we gettin' it? I need to work legs!!!!
  16. SuzyQ

    KRL - Just Wanted to Know . . .

    How you are feeling. Hope everything went well for you - let us know!
  17. SuzyQ

    What do you guys think of soy beans?

    I love black beans! MMM - black bean soup with tortillas on the side . . .
  18. SuzyQ

    What do you guys think of soy beans?

    I use alot of soy products. I used to drink soy milk alot, but switched to rice milk a couple of years ago. I find that soy gives me gas. Regarding soy as a protein source, especially in shakes, I had heard that it wasn't nearly as good of a protein source as whey.
  19. SuzyQ

    You Know What Today Is!!!!

    Only one more day 'til payday for me!