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  1. charliebigspuds

    Tren Ace Sludge at bottom of Vial.

    That's strange because even after the first filter with a coffee filter most of that is picked up. 2 filters with a coffee filter then a 45 and I used to have my gold. Did you make it?? And if you did why? Tren is pretty cheap now.
  2. charliebigspuds

    F.Y.I. Announcement for Presser

    Didn't think of that.
  3. charliebigspuds

    F.Y.I. Announcement for Presser

    all good bro do what you got to do....leave the rest to the mods..
  4. charliebigspuds

    my furst sikul

    this is some funny shit got me pmsl here..great post man..but 0 for got to love the WW Web
  5. charliebigspuds

    Injecting Oil Depots Into Penis For Growth?

    MMMM slin pin in the for thought right there gentlemen...he might be on some thing there DRUGS is my guess.
  6. charliebigspuds

    Leaving for Russia

    Safe journey and don't forget the vodka.
  7. charliebigspuds

    Recipe Needed; Whos Made This Painless?

    Has to be a multi compound I'm thinking but wow what a mix. BOOOM. Not for me for sure.
  8. charliebigspuds

    Ronda ESPN Pics

    - - - Updated - - - God dam phone it was meant to say I WOULD NOT MARRY IT - - - Updated - - - God dam phone it was meant to say I WOULD NOT MARRY IT
  9. charliebigspuds

    Ronda ESPN Pics

    She is pretty hot but to to sure I would NOT marry it. - - - Updated - - -
  10. charliebigspuds

    Fresh Fish

    Welcome bro. Best place on the www
  11. charliebigspuds

    Phuket Dreaming: Season 2

    Been waiting for the time to catch up on these. Thanks for the post. That thai guy is crazy fast in that last fight where he fought the jap. Great moves good to see. ( the first episode).
  12. charliebigspuds

    Bridging with SARMS

    Great read but lacking more info. Got any more to post please.
  13. charliebigspuds

    A hole PT instructer at my gym.

    There is a real nice bloke at my gym you know the sort. Gentle giant. Naturally huge guy. I've been chatting to him for a few years now. Just recetly we have been talking about age and nagging shoulder knees ect ect. We was chatting yesterday about his shoulders and he mentions that a PT had...
  14. charliebigspuds

    Why is nobody asking this?

    Could not agree more. But the fact is. You would like to hope people on this board would have the knowledge about eating right we can only advise on the Qs asked. Not second guess every person that ask about cycle advise. If he/she is a newbie most will ask about stats and food intake ect ect...
  15. charliebigspuds

    Cycle Critique - Been out of the AAS for a decade.

    I would say keep the test @ 500. Run the prop for 3 weeks not 2 but if you can't afford var don't run it. If you can then run it around 70-80 mg. don't run dbol. Have you thought about tbol that is cheap and I would run same as prop from week one. Tbol with proviron will keep you hard as a rock...
  16. charliebigspuds

    Been a while!

    Yeah once you break that mental barrier it will fall in to place. Food prep gym ect ect once you start it will keep rolling.
  17. charliebigspuds

    Back for good!

    I remember the name and the avatar welcome back bro.
  18. charliebigspuds

    Best source for aas?

    It's a sponsored board Pmsl come ON. - - - Updated - - - It's a sponsored board Pmsl come ON.