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  1. P

    My Punsihment for losing the bet

    i have both of my ears and both of my nipples pierced, your a puss.
  2. P

    Sexy mamacita

    she is a mildy attractive person, altho i hear she is a cool woman too so you knwo there as to be soemthing wrong with her. I think ive got it narrowed down to the fact that she doesnt live with me.
  3. P

    Teeks Lyrical Monday

    The nice thing about women is they are smaller and not as bouyant so it takes less cinder blocks to break up with them
  4. P

    Teekahty is a sexy bitch.

    i feel so ashamed. Im wearing a hugo boss sweater, tommy jeans, a perry ellis shirt and some oxblood wingtips. I am not a yupie but i play one at work, lol . THat seashell necklace is schexy , it makes me moist.
  5. P

    Teekahty is a sexy bitch.

    all you ladies had better bsck off. He is mine, dont make me go all cat woman on you. HEy lover, smile at me like you did in the mens room that time.
  6. P

    Just for you Teek

    F U nobody. I love everyone today, especially the ladies. Specificly the ones who wont press charges.
  7. P


    well that s the last person, lol nevermind
  8. P

    Hi, nice board just joined.

    it says neewbie, lol
  9. P

    Pudgys lyrics for today...

    you know you want pics of my naked boda
  10. P

    solar storm

    An ultraviolet view of the sun, captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory on Friday, shows eruptions from two major sunspots facing Earth. By Robert Roy Britt SPACE.COM
  11. P

    old members? Where are they?

    they joined the seminary, circus, military, and several cults.
  12. P


    yeah its properly that
  13. P


    i called you shirley like you asked me to but it felt wrong, even after you shaved your chest.
  14. P


    im sexay , look at my boda. you know he is kidding because if i had a body like that id never leave the house :p
  15. P


    :p im playing hard to get
  16. P


    im just happy that she doesnt press charges
  17. P


  18. P

    YOu know what to DOOOO....

    did i say opera, read my #&^%^*#^&# post
  19. P

    YOu know what to DOOOO....

    you people need culture its a song by andre form outkast an atalanta based rap group. cool guys too ive met them a few times. one f the very few quality rap groups left. the song is called hey ya