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  1. C

    PPE for Ebola Update

    yea how many negative pressure rooms does your hospital have, my guess not that many.
  2. C

    ANyone ever use aldactone not for prep?

    use hctz its much easier to manage
  3. C

    PPE for Ebola Update

    it seems to me like they are trying to brush it under the rug now
  4. C

    I Just Ordered Fish Flex lol NO BULLSHIT!

    yea its called bactrim, treats alot more types of bacteria than keflex (fish flex).
  5. C

    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    this will be obama's scapegoat, thats why he appointed him so he can pass the blame when nothings done
  6. C

    What are your immediate short term goals?

    edited your post there
  7. C

    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    so other countries now have a travel ban in place but guess who doesnt... - - - Updated - - - This may be what ends it for the democrats and obama, no back peddling out of this one. they have lied over and over about this disease and they keep getting proved wrong.
  8. C

    3rd Dallas Ebola Case...

    well the first nurse who had symptoms of ebola had a temp of 99.5 so.... alot we dont know about this disease.
  9. C

    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    agreed. if they want to leave fine but your not coming back is all i am saying. when will obama (will not refer to him as president) actually address this issue. :confused:
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    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    well i mean... i am being politically correct here, but they should be segregated 100%
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    I Just Ordered Fish Flex lol NO BULLSHIT!

    its the same thing as getting it from the pharmacy, you can compare the pill info and sometime they are exact matches of the "human" made ones
  12. C

    New here.......gator_mclusky checking in......

    welcome, ive seen your name of the years
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    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    presser, just saw the same thing, this virus is about as contagious as it get, i suppose this was another health care worker not following procedure, how are they gona spin it now. we need to shut down incoming flights period, and i personally believe they need to set up a faciility in a...
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    enjoy the site brother, its here for all of us to ask questions and get answers, not to mention freebies like you said!
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    they do them all over the country maybe someone here can chime in thats done one elsewhere and give you advice.
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    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    ok, let me break this skin to skin contact thing down. if someone is infectious and they sneeze or cough and droplets fly and land in your eyeball, mouth or you inhale them then you are now infected. Now imagine someone contagious on a full bus or subway and they start coughing and stuff flys...
  17. C

    Put your guns on the front porch , for collection

    if someone put their guns out for that i would go collect them for myself.
  18. C

    2nd Ebola Case In America! Health worker in FULL CDC PROTECTION CLOTHING GETS EBOLA!

    this is a very very unfortunate and scary i told you so.
  19. C

    best mutant vid ever..

    i can see vid fine.
  20. C

    Never decieved by my dick for past years

    you could remain on, or use a good PCT while coming off and explain to your wife that it may take a little while for your sex drive to return.