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  1. C

    3wks out from show cycle

    presser, you've scared him away from his own thread now
  2. C

    Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...

    you need write off's, "donation" etc...
  3. C

    Cloudy gear.

    if it gets cold and it's cloudy it's normally crystallization, personally I wouldn't use anything that's cloudy at room temp or a bit below.
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    "The Karate Hottie" has signed with the UFC

    i would, i know that
  5. C

    Who's Buying the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao Fight This Saturday?? I AM!

    was a pretty boring fight in my opinion
  6. C

    San Diego

    “Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means ‘a whale’s vagina.’” that's an anchor man quote in case you weren't aware
  7. C

    cross fit games Denmark..

    i second that, my girl is an ex crossfitter and it annoys the hell out of me. I make fun of the cult-ure all the time
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    Juan "Diesel" Morel, 3 Weeks from IFBB New York Pro

    havent seen any, shows still a week out i believe
  9. C

    Batman vs. Superman Trailer

    doesnt come out for like another year, not sure how someone's seen it already
  10. C

    First big peptide order, need some basic help

    i have no idea in this area, i'll see if i can find some info for you. hopefully in the mean time someone with experiance can chime in.
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    Tren Side Effects

    pretty much summed up above. but you forgot the side effect of completely changing the way you look :bber:
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    Ronnie Coleman 1998, 4 weeks out from Mr. Olympia

    not sure, last i heard he had a hip replacment
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    knuckle pain from igf?

    not with igf with hgh, yes
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    Juan "Diesel" Morel, 3 Weeks from IFBB New York Pro

  15. C

    Batman vs. Superman Trailer

    got it to embed finally.
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    Dennis Wolf Training Arms, 2015

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    NBA to institute HGH testing

    NEW YORK (AP) — NBA players will be blood tested for human growth hormone beginning next season. The league and the Players Association announced Thursday that HGH testing will start during training camp next fall. All players will be subjected to three random, unannounced tests annually -- two...
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    Ronnie Coleman 1998, 4 weeks out from Mr. Olympia

  19. C


    phenyl prop is good, just like you said kinda like prop but a little longer acting. heck if you get test base, phenyl prop, and propionate, you can make your own little fast acting blend