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  1. M

    Pics, half way through second bulking

    Thanks for all the kind words, I can;t wait to hit the gym and blast the trouble areas.
  2. M

    Pics, half way through second bulking

    I will have to take some more pics and post them back and leg shots ect.
  3. M

    Pics, half way through second bulking

    Thanks Weird Al for the rotation!
  4. M

    Pics, half way through second bulking

    Sorry, can't figure out how to flip the picture, I am an idiot when it comes to computers
  5. M

    Pics, half way through second bulking

    Lets hear some honest opinions! Stats 6'4 240 30 yrs old around 14% bf
  6. M

    To All Bro's in Florida

    This info was passed on to me, the DMV of Florida is now able to sell your personal infromation i.e. ss# DOB, ect. You have to go to the web site listed and block your info It only takes a second and it protects you. I don't know how they can do this but they can. I blocked mine this morning...
  7. M

    Bulking ?

    Thanks Golden!!!
  8. M

    Bulking ?

    I was wondering are calories more important or grams of protein per day. I am bulking and in week 6 of EQ and Test E frontloaded for 4 weeks with Naps 40mg/day I am trying to eat clean and my calories are down but my protein grams are at 450/day. I am 6'4 242 started cycle at 227. Any advice...
  9. M

    QV test enanthate in 50ml jug good stuf or underdosed?

    QV is good stuff, the EQ and Test E are great, I don't know about the 50ml only the 10ml
  10. M

    Gyno ?

    Does anyone know if nolva hinders gains, I am running test and eq
  11. M

    Gyno ?

    Viper, does it hinder your gains,I thought I herd that somewhere. Is 20mg/day good and should I take it until I finish clomid?
  12. M

    Gyno ?

    No, I do have proviron also what do you think?
  13. M

    Gyno ?

    I am not sure if it is gyno or not. I have noticed a small lump anout the size of a small rasin. No puffyness or itching. I have nova should I take it and at what dose? I am in week 6 of test, d- bol and Eq cycle. thanks
  14. M

    Summer cycle, tell me what u think.

    So true Taz30, I love my Naps
  15. M

    Balding ?

    I don't know if I am ready for that yet Gear
  16. M

    Balding ?

    Is there any otc medication I can to take wile on cycle to stop balding. If so where can I pick some up?
  17. M

    Whats everyones weight and Height?

    6'4 250 10% bf in middle of bulking
  18. M

    1st cycle....?'s

    Welcome, do as they said I was in your shoes a few years ago, I ran Deca Test and d-bol for my first. You need to do some test and not deca alone. Acne was never to bad for me. Research and keep asking questions. Good Luck
  19. M

    What gym are you training in...

    US1 Fitness it is a small local gym but no one bothers you and the equiptment is nice. A little small but I have worked out at much worse places.
  20. M

    Spot injections

    What are the benefits of spot injections?