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    The HGH,IGF Forum is back up and running

    Aloha, Sorely missed. Great information!! Mahalo nui loa, Viking
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    ringleader of GenPharms commits suicide

    Suicide Aloha, I agree, he made some very poor choices by having his lab at his mother's house. He involved his family indirectly, and directly as well. I believe part of the story is that his mother and wife, were arrested for mailing packages without knowing what the packages were. It's...
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    ESPN Article Regarding the Future of HGH and AAS.

    This article appears in the Oct. 8 issue of ESPN The Magazine. On Thursday, Sept. 20, more than 100 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents began to fan out across 27 states, knocking down doors in suburban cul-de-sacs and pushing their way into basements and kitchens. Their targets...
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    good link for exercises.

    Great Site Aloha Swole, Your right this is an excellent site. I've used this site for my own education and for CE for others. Mahalo nui loa, Viking
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    IGF and localized muscle growth studies

    Aloha Spiderman, Very interesting articles. The study below used direct IM to attain the results listed, therefore what would be the benefit of us doing of igf? How would the daily dose used in this study correlate to a adult male? EOMs demonstrate significant numbers of cells expressing the...
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    Cutting Edge Athletic Apparel

    <TABLE id=header height=102 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=2></TD><TD colSpan=7><TABLE id=bag_widget height=62 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=506 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=3></TD><TD></TD><TD colSpan=3></TD><TD></TD><TD rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD...
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    Kidney Disease- Nephrotic Syndrome- Igf- Information Needed

    Wife and Nephrotic Syndrome Aloha, My wife's Nephrotic Syndrome is from her autoimmune system attacking her kidneys. Her nephroligist has had her on various diffedrent autoimmune suppresant drugs; prednisone (almost killed her), cyclosporine (didn't work), and a few other drugs. Duration of...
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    MC Igf- AAS- Hep-C

    Hep-C Aloha MC, Well 7 days of 40-60 mcgs pw per day of Igf, and I'm feeling pretty darn good. Todays work out was pretty impressive for an "old man" (53). LOL:eek: Talk about a pump and no fatigue. My upper body felt like it was going to implode. Igf is the bomb! I have noticed quite a...
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    Kidney Disease- Nephrotic Syndrome- Igf- Information Needed

    Aloha, My wife has Nephrotic Syndrome, specifically Focal Segmental Glomuler Sclerosis. I'm searching the web for information about whether supplemental Igf would help her condition. Any sites, leads, or information would be greatly appreciated! Mahalo nui loa, Viking
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    Igf- Refigerate or not Refigerate?

    Aloha, First time user of Igf. I've read various posts about the storage of Igf, and I'm a bit confused. To refigerate or not is one question. The other question is: Applications only on the days your strength train- any type of training- or no applications on the days you don't train...
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    MC Igf- AAS- Hep-C

    Aloha Cyphon, Good to hear from you Cyphon. You have always been a great source for information. I look forward to starting my Igf! It was because of you that I went on some cycles of Adequan. Amazing stuff!! Yea, I'm doing NAC- 2 gms broken up through the day, plus RLA, selenium, zinc...
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    MC Igf- AAS- Hep-C

    Aloha, I just odered the 3 pack special of Igf. I've never run the stuff before, though I'm no stranger to AAS or HGH. I'll be asking for some guidance from the "gurus" when I run it. I also have Hep-C., which is now active. I've lost a lot of strength, weight, and I am severely tired at...