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  1. Anadrol

    Blue d-bols..

    blue d-bols.. whats up with that?
  2. Anadrol

    Drink of Choice?

    Bacardi and coke for me..
  3. Anadrol

    Favorite Beer?

    Yeah... I like any beer that someone else pays for :D
  4. Anadrol

    Favorite Beer?

    I like Swedish beers like Pripps, Spendrups and Falcon (doesn't say so much to you huh?) Others are Heineken and Carlsberg...
  5. Anadrol

    Training on the road / in new gyms

    LMFAO!!!!!! The kid you say that to will probably die of fear, at least faint.. :D
  6. Anadrol

    Have you ever bought counterfeit?

    hmm.. maybe, I think you don't get counterfeits..
  7. Anadrol

    Why Do The Mods.....

    doesn't bother me either... do as you wish :D
  8. Anadrol

    Anyone have bad itchy skin in the winter?

    lotion or some moisterizing?..
  9. Anadrol

    Have you ever bought counterfeit?

    nope, but I'm sure I will someday hate it!
  10. Anadrol

    good morning guys!!! ladies to (pipe_girl)

    good morning or should I say good night? (9.45pm here)
  11. Anadrol

    Why Do The Mods.....

    can't blame him now can you? :D
  12. Anadrol

    had a baby tues.

  13. Anadrol

    Make sure you have all of your gear first

    nice advise skinny... :D
  14. Anadrol

    The Frank happened to too

    ehh. what?
  15. Anadrol

    Buffet Tips?

    Nice advises jay.. will keep those in mind :D
  16. Anadrol

    Moral of the story...

    Nice story... wonder what happened if you followed her up the stairs :D
  17. Anadrol

    What do you like to do other then Bodybuilding???

    Hang out with friends.. Watch movies Computerstuff Partying Listen to music Watch movies
  18. Anadrol

    Good morning!!

    supposed to be shoulders for me too :( but my right shoulder hurts like hell..
  19. Anadrol

    Good morning!!

    good afternoon..
  20. Anadrol

    Anyone seen texas chainsaw massacre?

    okey.. but I ment the Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 2003 with Jessica Biel and Eric Balfour