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    making your own AS

    hell yea you can make just about anything you want as long as you have a source that sales the powders.
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    cutting cycle

    I would keep the ethanate in and throw in some t-3. Very good cutting cycle.
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    IP's DECA ????

    Those scans would kick ass, I would post them on every board I could find. Shut all the fucking IP bashers up.
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    IP's DECA ????

    LOL I think thats funny. The only reason he is bashing IP is cause hes either a source or a friend of a source. The reason most people bash IP is because most mex and euro can't beat his prices and they are losing a shit load of money. Now im not saying IP is better than equro because its not...
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    I thought the baking was to remove BA and boiling water and letting it sit in was for sterilizing?
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    Post Workout Carbs while on AS?

    Umm yes you should always get your High GI carbs after you workout even if your on AS. Not sure about the creatine thing but if your eating alot of red meat then I wouldnt add any extra.
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    **'s Susp/Prop?

    Has anyone tried His cyp or sust. Ive heard his new stuff is pain free can any vouch?
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    Best Tribulis Product...

    Tribex is the best trib product ive used. The verdict is still out on M.
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    Organon Sust

    Try mixing 1/2-1cc of USP sesame oil with your injections.
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    info on oral sups

    The only good oral only cycle is Anavar and Winny but damn you would be one broke SOB after that. But you would still get better results from Injectables.
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    IP's DECA ????

    Gear maybe you got some of his older stuff. All of his oils have a reduced BA content.
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    Any test would be ok to stack with EQ. EQ and Sust would be an awesome cycle and maybe kick start it with abombs or dbol.
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    This has gone to my head I think..

    Just dont get to obsessed about it cause it may cause you to burn out real fast.
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    Do i have Gyno?

    damn doof you get around dont you
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    Dont use stacker 3 cause the only difference it has from 2 is it had chitosan which will rob you body of healthy fats.
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    HOW COME.....

    Does sully always have those crazy ass responses. I think his posts are the best to read.
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    Your savior has arrived.

    Welcome to MC <!--emo&**--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='**'><!--endemo-->
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    availability of pins is the best place for pins
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    help for my first cycle

    Seems like alot for a first cycle but hey if youve done your research and think your ready...
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    How much do ya'll

    195 but i want to be about 230