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  1. NAIR

    TRT Dose

    What's your guys' trt protocols look like? My doc won't move off 200mg bimonthly because I technically test within normal levels at that dose. But it's a fucking rollercoaster. Thinking more frequent sub q dosing might be beneficial.
  2. NAIR

    Anit Es and Mood

    Does anyone notice a change in their mood when they use anti es? I turn into a raging fucking asshole every time, particularly when I'm off or running just TRT. I already struggle with compassion but serms and even arimadex take it to a different level. I need to get this figured out once and...
  3. NAIR


    Did you give this a try?
  4. NAIR

    New Brand - Pharmaqo Labs

    Yeah pharmacom was dope. We'll see what how they do with this brand
  5. NAIR

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    Same. I tried taking a few times and it always made extraordinarily miserable. I've heard good things about using it to help sleep after a full night of cocaine.
  6. NAIR

    Package seized

    I got a seizure finally. Yeah, I'm not too mad at IA though I do not believe that they tried to send it stealth the second time. I think they should send again based on that fact.
  7. NAIR

    King labs experience?

    How the hell do you contact them? No email.
  8. NAIR

    Package seized

    Lol yeah I suppose so
  9. NAIR

    Package seized

    No got nothing.
  10. NAIR

    Why can't I delete/edit my own posts?

    See attached for my screen
  11. NAIR

    Why can't I delete/edit my own posts?

    Still nothing on my end.
  12. NAIR

    Anyone seen Nuk Nuk lately? I have lol

    Hahaha i remember nuk nuk! I feel his before pic right about now. This is awesome thanks for sharing.
  13. NAIR

    Your favorite ester for trt, and why?

    Totally intrigued. I want to know more.
  14. NAIR

    Good new movies?

    I'm curious too
  15. NAIR

    Losing My Mind Sitting In The House! Corona Virus Ideas........Lets Hear Yours!

    I feel the same way. My body slows down but my mind is still (somewhat) present--feels out of control. That kind of panicky-anxious high creeps me the fuck out.
  16. NAIR

    Serious Question....

    LoL how do you know they're Muslim?