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  1. NAIR

    College Football National Championship Tonight!

    Last year's game was great. Not sure that this one will be as exciting, but it should be quite competitive.
  2. NAIR

    How do you guys train around a shoulder sprain?

    Thanks fellas. Saw the doc today and it's not serious yet. He thinks I should be stretching throughout the day and doing other careful active recovery exercises. So I will follow your your guys' advice all the way around and let you know how it goes.
  3. NAIR

    How do you guys train around a shoulder sprain?

    This is brutal. Training chest and back is proving to be quite difficult. What do you guys do during this time? I really don't want to aggravate anything and thus extend recovery time, but I'm losing muscle here not training... Also, when it comes to healing, I've heard MC's IGF can help to...
  4. NAIR

    Acne - Need Alternative

    Tried virtually everything over the years (except acutane) and the best I've come up with is Retin-A combined with benzoyl peroxide (for spot treatment). If you do Retin-A, which I highly recommend, note that it will take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to kick in and stabilize. Good luck.
  5. NAIR


    This is just the motivation I need to try dragon. By the way, is dragon produced under the same conditions as pharmacom was? Would be cool to see videos of dragon being produced...
  6. NAIR


    Interesting... - - - Updated - - - I use Coinbase and transfer to Blockchain. I did this to buy pharmacom, which worked until pharmacom disappeared.
  7. NAIR

    Prolactin issue and Anti-P

    MC's anti-p is good to go. Reversed my sides within about 7 days.
  8. NAIR

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    I kind of want to run this stuff now. I don't respond very well to dbol.
  9. NAIR

    NFL Preseason

    I watched. It's football and I can't resist.
  10. NAIR

    Future Articles Regarding SARMs and Peptides

    Agreed. I know very little about SARMs. Would like to learn more.
  11. NAIR

    LeBron Versus Trump

    I don't know, fellas--LeBron is about as good of a guy as they come. He's absolutely entitled to take a political position and express it. And I'd say he's done so respectfully. The fact that we might disagree with him does not take from the man's character. We'd be wise to respect others' views...
  12. NAIR

    Offensive Tweets?

    Another example of outrage culture. This is a lot yelling about nothing. Not to mention this is a 17 year old kid who's only learning how manage the expectations of being politically correct.
  13. NAIR

    Trump 2020 Banner Displayed at Yankee Stadium

    That's hilarious.
  14. NAIR

    Got a new power rack with pins!

    Probably the singe most useful peace of equipment in the gym. So much you can do with a power rack and an adjustable bench.
  15. NAIR

    Steroid Hormone Testing Kits. At Home Steroid Test Kit for Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction

    I have used RoidTest with success. I'm not thrilled about the prices, however. But I will test some stuff if I am not familiar with the lab. Unfortunately, it won't tell you how the stuff is dosed (i.e. concentration). Anymore, though I just try to use reputable stuff like PharmaCom
  16. NAIR

    Frank Thomas Hurt By MLB Steroid Era

    Isn't it a bit ironic that Frank Thomas is selling "test-boosters" in these commercials?
  17. NAIR

    PharmaComStore - HLPC Lab Test Results

    I've been struggling with this for the last several weeks. PharmaCom Labs had much credibility and now we have to begin anew with unfamiliar, relatively expensive UG brands. It seems to me that you have a lot of work to do establish the same kind of reputation with these new brands, beginning...
  18. NAIR

    Steroidify Steroidify - HLPC Lab Test Reviews and Results

    I've been struggling with this for the last several weeks. PharmaCom Labs had much credibility and now we have to begin anew with unfamiliar, relatively expensive UG brands. It seems to me that you have a lot of work to do establish the same kind of reputation with these new brands, beginning...
  19. NAIR

    How To Use Caber Dostinex Anti-P

    Loving MC's anti-P, by the way. Will definitely buy again.