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  1. NAIR

    Frank Thomas Hurt By MLB Steroid Era

    Steroids in sports do more to level the playing field than if they aren't present. There is no such thing as "level" in biology. There are ranges of normal, but nothing is equal. Performance enhancers can bridge gaps between the genetically blessed and the not so-blessed. And the only thing...
  2. NAIR

    LeBron's New Teammate - Lance Stephenson

    It's reminiscent of Kobe/Ron Artest. I think these guys are going to play very well together. Can't wait to see it.
  3. NAIR

    How To Use Caber Dostinex Anti-P

    Still curious if anyone knows
  4. NAIR

    How To Use Caber Dostinex Anti-P

    Is this the active property in MC's Anti-P?
  5. NAIR

    Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Cormier: What's Next?

    Agreed. Although I'll still probably watch, I really don't appreciate the BS. It cheapens it for me.
  6. NAIR

    Daniel Cormier predicted his Knockout of Stipe Miocic at UFC 226

    DC looks old, overweight, out of shape, and yet he's a top fighter in the world. Like Dana said, he's going to begin getting the respect he deserves. Looking forward to watching him and Lesnar go at it.
  7. NAIR


    This guy is funny. Going to give this a shot tomorrow.
  8. NAIR

    Tito Ortiz talks Chuck Liddell

    I didn't know they were going to fight again. How boring. Tito talks like it's 2001.