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  1. NAIR

    Magnesium - The Super Mineral We Alll Need.

    Been using magnesium aspartate for the last couple weeks to help with blood pressure, among other things. Heard from the Anabolic Doc on a couple different videos that this could be effective. Here's one video in case anyone is interested:
  2. NAIR

    LeBron to the Lakers

    Love the move but I'm a Lakers fan. Hope we can land Kawhi either this season or next. We'll see.
  3. NAIR

    The Perfect Physique

    I think you guys are taking this way, way too seriously. Look at my initial post--I'm simply noting my amazement at the film's stupidity and, by the way, I'm being hyperbolic... <br> BTW, I'm not alone. Here's some comments from Amazon reviewers that echo my position...
  4. NAIR

    The Perfect Physique

    lol I'm really not a homophobe! Look at my goddamn screen same and avatar! I'm screaming gay! Seriously, though, I'm very much a social libertarian and like many people, I have several gay friends. I'm not big, however, on political correctness. Fuck the radical left.
  5. NAIR

    The Perfect Physique

    These gay fuckers are terrible people because they are shallow fools. They struggle to maintain coherent thoughts and they piss and moan (and cry) about things like having diabetes. Did you watch the film? Don't get a butt hurt because you suck cock. I support your right take it--or give it--in...
  6. NAIR

    The Perfect Physique

    Has anyone seen this? I watched it over the weekend thinking it might lend some insight into the physique division of pro bodybuilding, but instead just annoyed the hell out of me. This was by far the gayest and worst produced shit I've ever seen. All the fuckers in this movie are terrible...
  7. NAIR

    Non-Medication Back pain treatments that work best for you?

    Have you heard of It's an awesome, award winning site run by a group of physicians. You ought to look up all of the "therapies" you mention in your initial post and see what the medical community thinks of these things.
  8. NAIR

    Equipoise - The Down and Dirty.

    Do you remember the dose you began with? I'm thinking of front loading with a beginning dose of about a gram.
  9. NAIR

    GW1516 (Endurobol)

    Dosing is a big factor too. I've read from many that fat loss wasn't realized until they reached a dosage of at least 20mgs.
  10. NAIR

    Cardio on off cycle? yea or nay?

    I decided to prioritize heart health even if it comes at the expense of muscle. So, I do it all of the time.
  11. NAIR

    Dosing Suggestions

    Correct. I want them on different lines, however. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So I just started using html ("<br>")
  12. NAIR

    GW1516 (Endurobol)

    Fair point. <br> And sorry for posting another thread on this. I should have made better use of the "search" button.
  13. NAIR

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    On the other side, I'm sure they anticipated regulatory hurdles and as always, liability was factored into their decision. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, all we can do is speculate.
  14. NAIR

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    Yes, but the extent to which this drug caused it in the mice and rats is not typical. Another question I have is why would these companies abandon the drug given its upsides?
  15. NAIR

    GW1516 (Endurobol)

    Has anyone used this drug? I've read many great reviews from folks, but the potential health concerns are just that: concerning! The companies that were developing the drug bailed on it when the animals they were testing began developing a host of organ cancers. For a general overview, here's...
  16. NAIR


    Anyone tried this stuff? What was it like or what have you heard?
  17. NAIR

    PharmacomStore Lottery Contest $400 store credit

    Ohhhhhh shit! I feel like I just won the Publisher's Sweepstakes!
  18. NAIR

    Anyone ever sue anyone personally?

    You might be able to recover some court fees, but that depends on local rules. It's very unlikely that you'll be able to recover attorney fees (also depends on local rules and of course, the facts of your case). I'd estimate that out of that 5k, you might see 1-2 of it a the end of the day. But...
  19. NAIR

    Anyone ever sue anyone personally?

    Yeah, sounds like you can show there was an agreement and that she breached that agreement... <br> The court must have jurisdiction to render a binding decision on her, which, for a case like this, would be the court of the state she resides. <br> You should absolutely contact a local attorney...