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  1. NAIR

    Genetics and Your Cycle

    Yes--this is exactly the point. We must know on which cases the writer bases his claims. For example, perhaps the research the writer chose is narrow in scope, weak, or simply does not lend itself to the conclusion the writer reached. On the other hand, it could be the case that further...
  2. NAIR

    Genetics and Your Cycle

    I know. And to be clear, my point is not that he's a bad guy. Rather he and other writers like him in the BB community need to do a better job substantiating their claims. Otherwise how are we to take any of this serious? Shall we just trust he's correct in his assessment of the research (if...
  3. NAIR

    Genetics and Your Cycle

    These articles can be tricky for they are often written by non-experts and as such, more often times than not, fail to honor even the most basic conventions of credible writing. For example, this article fails to reference bona fide research and/or researchers. If this was written by a...