Search results

  1. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    I take it for PTSD symptoms before bed. Anyone else take it? I just got prescribed? Any drug interaction I should know about? Seems like it is safe with AAS, etc.
  2. Dean Destructo

    Any one use Epitalon?

    It's been proven to work therepeuticaly. It takes long term use though. I'm wondering if it is cost that is prohibitive? I do know a few legit sources. I am mainly wondering if it improves quality of life as well as lengthen it. Also it has been shown to regenerate the mind. I am interested in...
  3. Dean Destructo

    What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

    I'm just curious what individuals are dosing at with winny, var, or winny plus var .
  4. Dean Destructo

    Any one use Epitalon?

    It is a telomere extending peptide.
  5. Dean Destructo

    Knots and Fever for days

    Probably their oil. Could be BA tho. I have run some pretty high BA ...
  6. Dean Destructo

    Bridging between cycles?

    By all means if IGF 1 is enough stay with that. I actually second that motion. IGF r3 at high doses is very powerful . I have been on high ED doses of IGF 1 . I had to eat hourly and the pumps were continuous and really full. Uncomfortable full lol.
  7. Dean Destructo

    Bridging between cycles?

    Bridge with research chems. HGH plus IGF 1 LR3 is a potent stack. You could also do shorter cycles.Small short cycles don"t shoot test down horribly. You could do frequent moderate cycles of prop plus anavar, winny, tbol, etc.
  8. Dean Destructo

    Any one use Epitalon?

    I am thinking of using a long term regimen. Any one use it and care to report? Thanks in advance.
  9. Dean Destructo

    King labs experience?

    As of time now: Kings labs is G2G. PRODUCT 10 (so far) SERVICE 10 SHIPPING 10 Seems legit to me folks. - - - Updated - - - I don't think we can post that can we? Per board rules. But I can say summer time stack. Oral administration. Fast acting.
  10. Dean Destructo

    WANTED ** Video Forum Site Reps - HUGE VIDEO LIBRARY

    You can give reps separate channels. Like I would upload boxing /mma sparring vids of myself , etc. You could make a sub genre for that. You could make a sub channel for each mod accordingly. Just a thought.
  11. Dean Destructo

    WANTED ** Video Forum Site Reps - HUGE VIDEO LIBRARY

    I tried to upload one and I didn't have permissions.
  12. Dean Destructo

    Knots and Fever for days

    This is an easy answer I hope. I think that your shots were getting caught in the intradermal layer. That will cause the exact pain you are describing. That or either the company has a high EO content and you are allergic. Some people can't handle over 10% Ehtyl oleate. Also test prop that is...
  13. Dean Destructo

    Video of DeanDestructo Sparring (For Reals this time)

    Sparring Video I am in the Tan shirt. Peak-a-Boo Style. Spar - Google Drive
  14. Dean Destructo

    King labs experience?

    I will let you know when I get my package. Customer service is amazing. Prompt shipping.
  15. Dean Destructo

    Why can't I delete/edit my own posts?

    No taptalk Still no buttons to the left of "reply". This happened before . Some type of user permissions were shut off or something. I dunno. - - - Updated - - - Okay just now showed up lol like on the above post lmao I feel crazy . But I scrolled back and the edit button just showed lol -...
  16. Dean Destructo

    Knots and Fever for days

    You are going to need to describe the symptoms better. As in every detail. Did your arm change colors? What kind of pain? Does the pain radiate? Is it in one spot? Etc.
  17. Dean Destructo

    Why can't I delete/edit my own posts?

    I don't see a delete or edit button anywhere. No way to edit a post once posted.
  18. Dean Destructo

    Why can't I delete/edit my own posts?

    Help from a mod please.