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  1. Dean Destructo

    Cant Sleep on Tren Ace

    Trazadone helps.
  2. Dean Destructo


    I just want to buy some to spend on my online transactions. It seems safer. You should do a tutorial sticky lol.
  3. Dean Destructo

    Preferred drink

    Water, Diet Mt Dew, Cranberry juice
  4. Dean Destructo


    I used to buy bitcoin with circle. I am at a loss on how to get it now. I was going to ask you guys actually. Then I had seen this thread.
  5. Dean Destructo

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    It is still legal to buy the left over stock.You can find it on ebay.
  6. Dean Destructo

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    Yes. My guinea pig purchased it pre first ban and ran it. As well as the original "T-Bomb" sold in GNC with methyl 1-Test. Superdrol will give you the best strength gains per lb of lean muscle. It is rapid. Not sure about T-bols though since my guinea pig have never used them. Thing about...
  7. Dean Destructo

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    It is not a pro-hormone. It is an orally active steroid methyl drostanolone. "Designer Steroid"
  8. Dean Destructo

    Best Low Kick Tutorial.

  9. Dean Destructo

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    Superdrol is bad ass.
  10. Dean Destructo

    Well... Divorce starts tomorrow...

    Things got a lot better. My wife is now exercising and watching her diet with an app. She is doing well with it. I told her lifting weights hands down is the best way to boost confidence and positive body image. Also with helping her hormones get back in line. After two kids back to back it is...
  11. Dean Destructo

    Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection

    BA is used to increase solubility of the estered compound in the oil and to prevent growth of bacteria in the oil.
  12. Dean Destructo

    Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection

    Actually meant to type 2- 5% BA not 10%. 10-20% BB is good .
  13. Dean Destructo

    Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection

    .2 % ! Nopes. More like 2% BA . My Guinea Pig uses 5-10%.
  14. Dean Destructo

    Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection

    Negative ghost writer. You would need to use a Test base for that dealio.
  15. Dean Destructo

    MELANOTAN 2 -What you didn't know!

    Why do you wake up some many times?
  16. Dean Destructo

    Got a new power rack with pins!

    It is together I need to post a pic. I also ordered a bug proof tent to put it in. It should arrive soon.