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  1. Glen Whitestone

    must read about gakic/leukic

    This is an acronym for Glycine-1-arginine-alpha-ketoiscaproic acid. Sounds complex but it is only a few BCCA's! That's right the amino acid glycine, amino arginine and alpa-ketoisccaporic acid which is a form of the bcca leucine! These aminos do certain things which does promote more GH in...
  2. Glen Whitestone

    VETS OF IGF need your help vinegar q

    Heinz makes malted vinegar I think. Haven't had it but I get it when I order fish & chips.
  3. Glen Whitestone

    Got a question

    Yeah, thats the sad ass truth your right. The same people who voted this president inot the whithouse. He is going to lead us to the next great depression unfortunately.
  4. Glen Whitestone

    Got a question

    Angel-Some place where the local populus enjoys homemade moonshine and crystal methanphedimene too much and ever time they see a deer they want to shoot it. They all have cars sitting around their yards that do not run and wear mesh farm equipment hats!
  5. Glen Whitestone

    gyno from nitric acid?

    I think it can come and go or reoccur once you get it. It usually comes back less intense. I had a slight case of it once. It went away and has not come back thank god. I had it when I was a rookie too. I did not know what the hell it was, I thought I may have got the most embarassing...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    I Waxed My Chest

    Nair is crap angel. Don't buy it! I tried it once, did not read the bottle first. Tried it on my chest and "nether region". Ooo-man! That shit felt like shaving with mace, it burned. I had that shit all over and it said to wait 4 minutes, tried to wipe it off and no hair came off. Then I...
  7. Glen Whitestone

    Doses on some MC products.

    Oh right, right, right. Well, I only want one when the time is right you know. You sure this isn't like all those other wierd things they eat in asia to get aroused like powdered rino horn, oysters and dried whale blubber.
  8. Glen Whitestone

    Rich Franklin on UFC All Access

    He used to be a school teacher too I think. I would love to see him teach in some ghetto ass shcool and have someone try to test him. Imagine seeing that shit. That would be if the whole class didn't riot.
  9. Glen Whitestone

    gyno from nitric acid?

    I wish NO would give me gyno. I would have something to add to my morning coffee.
  10. Glen Whitestone

    any other guido's here?

    I think most guys here will still be scared of that. Unless there are some metrosexuals in here or serious Manhattanites. They will be all over it. You know the kind, walking on 8th ave, wrap sunglasses, spiked hair, business casual with sneakers, back pack, i-pod in one ear and always on the...
  11. Glen Whitestone

    mc orders

    Yes, I recently got my order as well. I just hope next time I order the shop does not jump town again on a move. Better stock up on the IGF.
  12. Glen Whitestone

    I Waxed My Chest

    I wish there was an easier cheap way. I am not too hairy but I stick with a razor. Its a pain in the ass shaving my chest every week though. Sometimes if the razor is too dull ( I will bic my head too) then I get a few irritation break outs on my lower abs. Thats a bitch. Itches for a few...
  13. Glen Whitestone

    Got a question

    Hey man, I did not say I agree with the study. I thought I would post it because it was current to the topic. It is on page 280 in this months Muscle Fitness magazine. Anyone else read magazines anymore these days? What else to occupy my time when taking a crap?
  14. Glen Whitestone

    Doses on some MC products.

    I just saw the website. I got the ciala-grow as a throw in. Does it do anything else that help with erectile disfuction? I don't suffer from that yet at my early age.
  15. Glen Whitestone

    Doses on some MC products.

    Anyone know the daily recommended dose for MC ciala-grow and aqua-dex? I assume this is orally administered with the droppers.
  16. Glen Whitestone

    Diet question

    Well, then I guess I used to be a hard gainer. I have been lifting for years, eating like a mad mad. At 6'3" 240 I would like to fill out my frame a bit more. I have had some help from gear in the past-about 2 cycles. I try to eat a qulity diet of 30% protien, 30 fat and 40% carbs. I just...
  17. Glen Whitestone

    Diet question

    I am a hard gainer, making positive progress always but my B/F is about 7%. I don't do cardio unless training. Now I eat about 5 meals a day. I was strict on my diet but it went to shit a little bit, I kept breakfast tight, same with pre-workout. But the shit just be callin' me man like...
  18. Glen Whitestone

    What men like

    Personality. If a women has that she can overcome most else. I mean physical attraction is key but I mean a plain woman. She is not butt ugly but if she knows how to get a guy attention and mind working I think it to be the most powerful aphrodisiac! I have dated girls that have looked very...
  19. Glen Whitestone


    I don't think police persuites should be cancelled. In fact I think most police are correct about criminal intent and and situations. If anything more crooks walk free for crimes because they or their lawyers beat the system. It is not that hard to do by the way. I have seen many criminal...
  20. Glen Whitestone

    Leg training before photo shoot???

    BTW-Angel-volume means lots of repetitions. Or high volume.