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  1. MightyJohn

    Brand differences and prices

    Higher quality UG or HG usually have less impurities, less binders, You get better results and feel healthier on it
  2. MightyJohn

    Log for Team Universe 13 weeks out

    Hey looked great when he was younger and even better now...guys like him are why I don't come out of retirement LOL
  3. MightyJohn

    Long term Tren use?

    I can't imagine tren long term...last time I did tren E 140mg/wk along with 630/test insomnia was rough
  4. MightyJohn

    Blasting and cruising

    Good luck Bro...when I was your age and competing I actually liked pinning...Now 14yrs later needing TRT(probably never stepping onstage again) I despise the amp I have take every week to feel normal, with all the built up scar tissue, it sucks
  5. MightyJohn

    Blasting and cruising

    Wait till Your older to blast and cruise Bro at 23yo You should be bouncing right back post cycle with little or no PCT even
  6. MightyJohn

    Best Way To Set Up An HGH Cycle?

    I notice I get a lot more out of dosing at 3.33iu I dunno why 1x/day...fatloss, helps with injuries...2x/day(6.66iu)same but fuller, get a real good look...3x/day(10iu)blow the fuck up and cant eat enough, but tired all day
  7. MightyJohn

    Log for Team Universe 13 weeks out

    Bro You have come a long way...looking good
  8. MightyJohn

    Incoming Robolics Cruise!

    I never ran mast higher then test...but sure sounds tempting I usually run a 2-1(T-M)ratio
  9. MightyJohn

    Brand differences and prices

    When I use HG or a reliable lab like Alpha, Shree Venk, or BM results are night and day 500/600 of BM test or 75mg Shree Drol blows away 90%+ of UGs out there...if it didn't then people with the means to higher quality wouldn't go out of their way for it
  10. MightyJohn

    Nipro 3cc syringes and insulin syringes

    I dislike Nipro pins, I get an allergic reaction to have a few of My friends
  11. MightyJohn

    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    DO You guys get the Dbol euphoria on Tbol....when I use Dbol or Primo...I feel AWESOME...does this have that effect?
  12. MightyJohn


    Have You ever done prop? Could be allergic to prop(which is in sos)a lot of people are allergic to flu symptoms
  13. MightyJohn

    Test E 500mg log

    WOW...crazy fast gains there Bro
  14. MightyJohn

    Advice on a short steroid cycle (56 days)

    I actually looked it up it was 7iu, he liked cytaden too. He wasn't the leanest guy. He would also switch up oral depending on goals(winny for the summer etc) He put a young guy on these type of cycles who was a middle of NPC a yr he was barely making Heavy
  15. MightyJohn

    Advice on a short steroid cycle (56 days)

    One of the LARGEST men I ever known ran long esters, plus an oral for 4 weeks on, 4 off super high doses...the idea was that he was basically never off, he was 6'8 over 400lbs, very open with his friends about his doses Example: WK 1 - 2500Test-1000EQ-3 Drol-6iu GH WK 2 - 2000Test- 750EQ -3...
  16. MightyJohn

    Advice on a short steroid cycle (56 days)

    I like it, I have run short cycles myself...I would keep the test as high daily as the deca...also either like 1cc/wk or a short acting test at the end to avoid/counter the deca crash
  17. MightyJohn


    There's good reviews for them on another board Elvia is a Rep for them
  18. MightyJohn

    Legit dnp still out there

    Actually Gents it's shipping pay with Your card, brings back buying tren pellet cartridge from livestock website memories :D
  19. MightyJohn


    Yes, I use them as well...keep in mind Nipro bother a lot of people...they have other brands though as well...great service and prices
  20. MightyJohn

    Blast after bloods

    All good reasons to be monitored/in the situation that You Your shoes I would do that same