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  1. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    Yeah, with a hand pump or electric pump yeah, almost impossible, but with a peristaltic is not problem, the pump will "push and force" the liquid to pass thru the whatman zap cap Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    Thanks for your text bro! I answered your pm, take a look. Respect the shop you mentioned, no, i don't know that store here. The whatman zap caps i also don't know how to attached them to the receiver, i've just leave it on the flask and they don't fall. They also filter quite fast, but to be...
  3. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    I don't do winny suspension at 100mg/ml but i do at 50mg/ml. Be sure that the winny suspension is really painfull man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    Ey Macho, Thanks a lot for your post!! I find it very valuable. I have to say that i heard about the nalgene rapid flow and i thought a long time ago to try then. When i started with this i went directly to a bottle top filtration system instead of syringe filters, but i bought directly a glass...
  5. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    I also use the membrane PVDF filters that yo can find in aliexpress. They are like 30$ i think for 50 filters. If you have questions you can always pm Me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    Yeah, it keeps tight enough. i really like this system,in fact i have 2 of them, one of 250ml and another of 500ml, but i am going to change to peristaltic pump and whatman cap, as i need go faster
  7. G

    Tren A 200mg/ml cut with EO turns cloudy

    I will reduce to 125mg max. I don't know how much tren you use bro but there are many places in the body to inject and wherever fits 1ml of 200mg tren, also fits 2ml of 100mg tren each painless. Each side of your but can take 5ml at a time, each shoulder 2-3ml and esch quad 3-4 ml. I never...
  8. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    Hi bigmills, the filter discs papers i really don't know if they are sterilized or not, but i am using them for more than 2 years and i never ever had a problem, neither other people that used my gear. As i don't know if they are sterilized or not and i don't have an autoclave(i sterilize...
  9. G

    Looking for help with electric vacuum and bottle top filtration process

    I have the same pump like you. With that pump i use a glass bottle top. They are 3 parts (the flask receiver, the top part and a middle part where you will put your filter). For the filter i use pvfd filter disc of 50mm. I am Able to filter around 150ml in a time without the filter getting clog...
  10. G

    Pharmade review

    ehehhe, those guys are amazing with stealth, Quality also very good, please update us with your thoughts :)
  11. G

    Pharmade review

    Their package logistic is really good, they do amazing stealth methods. I hope you will also like the quality mate, as we already spoke for me was really really good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. G

    How to use Guaiacol in Trenbolone Acetate 100mg / ml?

    Hahahahaha, you also made impressed man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. G

    How to use Guaiacol in Trenbolone Acetate 100mg / ml?

    Ahhaahha, why you are impressed bro? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. G

    How to use Guaiacol in Trenbolone Acetate 100mg / ml?

    No deve usar guaiacol. Solo ba,bb y aceite Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. G

    Any one brewed Primo?

    Is quite simple. If do it at 100mg/ml standard recipes hold it very well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. G

    Filters for a peristaltic pump

    Ooohhhnow i get it. So i will have to use the elec vac anyway to push the rest out or a hand pump. And do you know if a good elec vac will go also that fast? Mine is terrible man, 50 min for 100ml is slow for my time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. G

    Filters for a peristaltic pump

    Ey bro. Thanks for your answer. I really dont understand why you would setup the elec vac pump, can you plz explain it? The reason to change us basically mine elec pump takes way to long(40-50 min) to filter 100ml thru a glass bottle top and flask receiver witj a 50 mm PVDF 0.22 or 0.45 filter...
  18. G

    Any one brewed Primo?

    I do my primo 100mg/ml very easily with 2%Ba and 18%BB with gso, safflower or mct. Painless and not crashes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. G

    Filters for a peristaltic pump

    Hi guys, Well i decided to change my actual filtration system (electric pump with PVDF filter discs) to a peristaltic pump, as i really need to go faster. I normally do about 600-1000ml in total with different compounds but let's say that my actual system takes about 40-50 min to filter 100ml...
  20. G

    Oil thickness and absorption time.

    Ok so leaving apart other points and focusing only in the points you are interesting in, you are right, is painless compared with mct/gso/cso safflower etc and can hold bigger amounts of gear per ml. I know it is slower that the normal carrier oils, but how much slower, i really don't know. I...