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  1. G

    HGH combine with MC IGF-1

    Actually i have both of them and thinking to restock with igf1. I think i am going to give it a try. Do you know Presser about if igf1 suppress gh?so for ex in the afternoon injection, both hormones coincide at the same time. It doesn't matter or should be some time delay between injections...
  2. G

    HGH combine with MC IGF-1

    I was wondering if somebody of you guys combined before hgh + igf1 and if yes, what was the best way to use for you. At the moment i am taking hgh 4ui splitted in the morning upon waking up and another injection around 18.30pm. I am also using IGF-1 pre-workout at 80mcgr only in workout days...
  3. G

    How to use Ostarine

    Yeah, that is what i was also thinking. I plan to be off around 3 months probably Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    How to use Ostarine

    Hi guys, Recently i finished a cycle and i still have some Osta i got from here in one of the promos. I would like to try it int he pct, but this is the 3rd weeks of my PCT, should is tart Osta or not? and in that case at what dosage? i read about 15-25mg, but more than 25mg and even 25mg can...
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    MC IGF-1 Lr3 this is LEGIT

    Heheheh i am also an old user of Presser IGF1 and i have to say that is also incredible strong and good. Also using it pre with a meal of chicken breast + rice + veggies. After workout i was also taking carbs, but not anymore so i am preparing for a show, but i am not sure about this decision...
  6. G

    How to make Winstrol in water by 4 grams ?

    well, will try first 100ml that you know it works well, and if it success, will go for a larger batch probably. The thing for my experience is that when you dissolve winny in BB you have to let it cool to be able to filter, so it is way too warm. After that cooling time if you stir again the...
  7. G

    How to make Winstrol in water by 4 grams ?

    Are you serious?? And all that shit recipe with guaiacol, ps80 or peg300/400 when it is so simple as to do it like any other roid with the difference that you should wamr much more the winny.....? Finally i did 200ml in water based (don't know why people like it), but i still have other 20gr of...
  8. G

    How to make Winstrol in water by 4 grams ?

    That was painfull as fuck!ahahha. Presser tell me that recipe in oil. I tried before with a recipe with guaiacol, 1gr at a time, but it crashed with the pass of the days
  9. G

    How to make Winstrol in water by 4 grams ?

    Thanks for your answer Presser. I am just trying to do basic 50mg/ml winny in water base. The powder i have is supossly micronized....The grains are very very thin. - - - Updated - - - But it will be nice try to make it in oil again and let's see if it doesn't crash again
  10. G

    How to make Winstrol in water by 4 grams ?

    i know this in an old thread, but Presser, can you please tell me that recipe. i tried 2 times in oil and it didn't work. Now i tried in water based, but the pain that it produces is for 3 days, wtf!!! Thinking in drink it, can support this pain for weeks during my cycle. In oil will be nice...
  11. G

    Electric Air pump vs hand pump vacuum

    thanks Presser!!, very good post
  12. G

    Best filtration system for bigger volumes

    Really interested in jump to an air pump peristaltic pump. Does anyone have a pic of the setup?? or if not, how is the setup? i have a glass filtration system, so my idea was replace my hand pump vacuum for an electric one to speed up the filtration, but i saw that a peristaltic pump works in...
  13. G

    Electric Air pump vs hand pump vacuum

    Is here someone that uses a electric air pump vacuum? Does it speed up the process of filtration? Is it really worth it? I am thinking to buy one, but not sure how much worth it is. Thanks!
  14. G

    Water-based Injectable Stanozolol 100mg recipe question

    i use 24%BB, 3%BA, 3% PS80. I shake the vial before get the gear into the syrenge and then inject. If you are gonna make a suspension (made in water) you will have to shake yes or yes, so what is the point to shake everyday? Just shake before inject dude
  15. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    And there is nothing else but test e that all of you tried?test e is very easy to find a good one and also cheap. What about deca or npp, primobolan, winstrol, trenbolone acetate and enantate or masteron. Nobody tried them??and about the orals? thanks!
  16. G

    winny oil, NO guayacol

    i've just finally got it done. The recipe i used was: 2% BA, 20% BB, 2ml guaiacol and 1 gr of winny. I was only doing small batches of 1gr at a time, if not i couldn't make it. Process: mix guaiacol, bb and stano y stir. warm a lot, melting point of winny is around 220C, maybe it will smoke a...
  17. G

    Winny home brew, stanazolol recipe

    ehhehe, mine never hold again, even adding EO. now i received it again and i wanna do it well. Some recommenadtions?
  18. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    Well, soon i am gonna give another try to winstrol in oil and if it crashed again, i will try in water.....some advice PowderGuy?? i also has guaiacol.... thanks!
  19. G

    winny oil, NO guayacol

    Powderguy, how did you do it? Last time i tried 5gr stano with 2%BA and 20%BB with GSO at 50mg/ml, and it got clear solution warming it at 240C, but when it cold, it crashed always. I tried to lower the dose to 40mg/ml with EO, it cleared up a little bit more, but still crashed......So how do...
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    Winstrol Water Vacuum Filter Question

    bump, interested in this. i wanna do winstrol, i treid to do at 50ml wit2%BA and 20%BB, and i was not success. I added EO to low the dose to 40mb/ml and still didn't hold... :(