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  1. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    I am still didn't use the Ostairane, but the IGF-1 LR3 continue being more than amazing|!!!
  2. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    nice to hear that.....i probably will give them a try
  3. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    and how about the quality that it is the important part
  4. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    i am not sure but peg 300 is to do the winny is suspension. I did 2%BA, 20% BB and GSO and it crashed, but some people advice me to use EO with GSO to make winny in oil and it will not crash. I've just ordered it and i will add a little bit. Hope it will hold :)
  5. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    the same bro, 50mg/ml, i used 2ml BA, 20ml BB, and 73ml of GSO for 5gr of stanozolol. At this moment is completly like a paste/cream, maybe caistor oil or mct would save the problem??Or maybe adding some EO and lowering a little bit the dose?. The thing is that when is warm is a cristal...
  6. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    well, i followed the recipe about winny in oil and i had to heat it enough, 160-200C to get a liquied clear cristal solution, i leave it warm a little bit to be able to filter and now it become like a cream, hehehehe. I tried 100ml with 2ml BA and 20BB, and 73ml GSO, but without success. Any...
  7. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    didn't try it yet the Ostarine man. I just finished a cycle and i have to start PCT, i think i will added there, but now i read that i suppres natural testo, so i am not sure if it is good idea in the PCT.... any ideas?
  8. G

    Igf-1 LR3 and HGH

    i take GHRH + GHRP-2 3 times/day, 2ui Genotropin in the morning AM 30 min after my first dosis of the combo GHRH+GHRP-2 and IGF1 pre-wo and it really works well. I don't know how it will work without the GH. I can tell you that i got increase my weight without loosing looking of my abs, and...
  9. G

    Newb to IGF 1 LR3.. Have a few questions...

    i do it pre-workout for the things i read here. I use it about 40 min before workout, and my meal is 100gr oats with some blueberrys, strawberry, blackberrys (here they sell everything together in a packet and it comes frozen) so i take a little bit, coconut powder an a spoon of honey, al...
  10. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    Well, i received my order last saturday, now i am more than full stocked! ahahah. The Ostarine i didn't try it yet, in 2 weeks i will finish with my actual cycle and i want to use it during my PCT. Respect the IGF1, it stills works like a charm, i increased my dosis to 80mcg and i think that is...
  11. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    yeah Presser, an order is close to arrive and i am gonna try yo brew winny. Is gonna be the first time i will do it and i i needed a recipe after saw all the problems that people seems to have with winny in oil or water. I really hope this recipe will work
  12. G

    Winstrol Oil Recipe - NO Guaiacol/EO - HELP!

    i will do mine soon using this recipe, i will post results :) thanks!
  13. G

    Winny home brew, stanazolol recipe

    i will try soon that recipe. Hope it works with me. But i have a question powderguy. Better do small batches of 29,9ml each time or if i want to make let's say 90ml in one time, just add those amount 3x and mix together and filter. Will it hold? Thanks!
  14. G

    Stanozolol- How To Make Injectable Winstrol

    and which one is powderguy winstrol recipe oil based? thanks!
  15. G

    Anyone know whats going on with the orders from the MC store?

    i ordered before from Presser and he is really a good guy. Any problem be sure he will solve it. I also ordered in the weekend promo and still don';t have any sending confirmation, only the shopping confirmation. But i asked Presser monday and he answered me. i think he is busy with the promo...
  16. G

    Storing Raws For A Long Time

    ahahhaha, you are sick man!!!i also love the smell. Let's go to make a perfum, Eau d'hormone, ahahahhaha
  17. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    ahahahahha, IGF1 on LEGS day....brooo. sometime i can't even be standing up. My legs got so hard that almost don't bend, ahahhahaha. But yes, it makes them grow, i felt it. Just another order of 6 vials. addicted!
  18. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    ahahhahaha, i can't believe it!!!It is true i asked for a quote and they email me like 2 or 3 times per day, it was a little bit much. At the end i went to QR again. They are very serious and professional and of course i tried their raws many times and are very good
  19. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    ehehehe, i don't know that about the phone, but they email you liek crazy, even saying they went to holidays to this palce and was nice blablabla, and after they asked, how about your order?are you ready?? I felt a little bit pushed. I wanted to try them raws, but i am gonna be loyal to QR. It...