Search results

  1. Jayne Scott

    My Quick Home Upper Body Workout

    Hi Y'all, I'll be training my upper body at home today with these quick exercises. Dumbbells are a necessity! #1. DB Arnold Press (45 sec/15 sec rest) #2. DB Lateral Raises (45 sec/15 sec rest) #3. DB Front Raises (45 sec/15 sec rest) #4. DB Reverse Fly (45 sec/15 sec rest) #5. DB Rear...
  2. Jayne Scott

    Maximize Your Gains with Sustanon: Benefits, Stacking Strategies, Side Effects, and Dosage Guidelines

    Testosterone is one of the most widely used anabolic hormones and is often considered the foundation for most bodybuilding cycles. It has both anabolic and androgenic properties, leading to significant muscle size and strength gains. Users also experience enhanced well-being and an increased sex...
  3. Jayne Scott

    Simple Home Leg Workouts

    Hi Y'all, I'll be training my legs, glutes and thighs with these simple home leg workouts. - 45 sec warm ups/workouts with 15 sec rest in between: ● Lunges - 45 secs ● Squats - 45 secs ● Leg Sweeps - 45 secs Workouts: #1. DB Deadlift - 45 secs #2. DB Hip Thrust - 45 secs #3. DB...
  4. Jayne Scott

    The Science Behind Anabolic Steroids: How They Work and Their Impact

    Anabolic steroids are powerful tools in the world of bodybuilding and athletics, but understanding their science is key to unlocking their full potential. At their core, anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of testosterone, the primary male hormone responsible for muscle growth, strength...
  5. Jayne Scott package not delivered.

    Sad to hear this. It would be nice to stick with reliable sources like UPsteroid on here in the future. Goodluck though.
  6. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    We appreciate your support as always @Vadim Fedorov
  7. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @2thick
  8. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @e2
  9. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @ulter
  10. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @ROIDDERS
  11. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @ceo
  12. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Thanks for your support @Wootoom
  13. Jayne Scott

    Approved UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo

    Dear Muscle Chemistry Members, Permit me to bring to your attention the latest UPsteroid Product of the Week Promo from the stables of DEUS-MEDICAL. **Buy 2 times Sustanon DEUS MEDICAL = + 1 FREE!** **Valid until Monday September 30, 2024.** Description: SUSTAMED 250 (Test Phen 60 + Test D...
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