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  1. crash

    Anyone getting ready...

    i have a buddy doing one july 16 and aug 20 i was going to do the aug 20 but decided i like eating and drinking at the lake better LOL... I will start prepping September 1 for a show nov 28 i believe is the date... trying to add a lil more mass before next show currently at 209 from 183 on Apr...
  2. crash

    Are people kidding themselves or am i just weak?

    Bench is definitely my strong point even at 6 1 with gorilla arms I managed 405 dec of 2015 at 205 lb bw... I have tried to post the video so you guys wont say I am full of shit but I assume its too big but I cant get pics to upload either so who knows... but we have several guys at my gym...
  3. crash

    Please Report Any Site Issues Here. Logging In Issues, Errors, Page Load Speed etc...

    Ha Ha yeah I just checked and it is back to normal now.. So who knows
  4. crash

    Please Report Any Site Issues Here. Logging In Issues, Errors, Page Load Speed etc...

    its a 6 plus and it just started not fitting today... the home page doesn't fit screen..ill try again later see what happens
  5. crash

    Please Report Any Site Issues Here. Logging In Issues, Errors, Page Load Speed etc...

    I can't up load pics or video tried from phone and pc neither works.... Also just tried looking at MC from my phone at lunch and it does not fit screen maybe it is just my shit screwed up lol
  6. crash

    Are people kidding themselves or am i just weak?

    not hi jacking thread I wanted to post a video but it will not let me I also tried from my phone posting pics of my show and it will not let me... can you check this for me presser it has been going on since May I know.. thought maybe it was just my phone but today was from my lets...
  7. crash

    How to get prescribed test: help me find this thread

    I just did my bloods after 4 weeks off of short esters and they came back at 399 doc said too high went back at 7 weeks off and took Tren ace only 4 days before test and he called as soon as bloods came in and said he was writing me a script my shit was bottomed out so guess the tren theory...
  8. crash

    PINZ What size pins do you use?

    holy fuck I hope youre kidding:eek: and I am sure you are .. I use a 1cc 1/2'' 30 g insulin for just test ... other than that I use a 25 g 1''
  9. crash

    Presser help

    Hey Presser I have sent you 2 Pms with no response... Let me know if you have them
  10. crash

    Joined the local Y.M.C.A. , curious if all YMCA are this big?

    we have several near me and they are all pretty nice with some of the items you mentioned.... I was in Georgia for work and they had a huge one with a indoor track and full basket ball court a free weight room and a cardio room also had a separate room with just machines. The Y's receive a lot...
  11. crash

    Vacation months are upon us

    I bet so I am sure I will be doing some sipping my self tomorrow night... I saw him last year he puts on a great show.. I got pit tickets this year so I am super excited - - - Updated - - - Jamaica is my favorite vac spot I have been there 5 times and hoping too make it 6 I have stayed at...
  12. crash

    Vacation months are upon us

    got to love the summer time I have been spending my weekends on my boat on the lake and headed to VA beach to see Luke Bryan tomorrow then heading to Carolina beach in july for a family vacation.... Really hoping to head back to Jamaica again in February of 2017
  13. crash

    Introduce myself

    Welcome aboard!!!
  14. crash

    First cycle advice

    my first aas cycle 3 years ago was at 250 mg test e a week for 10 weeks and it was apparent I was juicing cause I blew the fuck up and my body transformed.... with that being said I agree with presser way too much for first cycle just a waste of money
  15. crash

    Could I compete ?

    I just did my show a month ago and there were 10 times more physique guys than classic guys... physique is a tough class no doubt but who doesn't like a good challenge.. the show I did you could cross over also so I may consider both if I were you
  16. crash

    Almost 4 weeks out.

    Fuck dude just post us a shot from the legs everything else has to be pretty sick looking.... can tell you been doing work brother!!!!Good Job!!!
  17. crash

    Could I compete ?

    also like the sleeve Tat Bro I just got my first one and its a tribal that covers my whole shoulder and goes down my back into my lat already wanna add to it..shit is addicting LOL
  18. crash

    Could I compete ?

    to dudes point my first show cost me over 1500 $ and thats not including supps ....But hey it was worth every penny i will do another in aug or nov not sure yet.. i hired a nutritionist but next time i will have a guy to help with posing thats where i sucked and it showed my physique was better...
  19. crash

    lowering Test levels

    okay guys my test levels came back at 399 i need to be below 300 to get my script... i did bloods on may 13 after 3 weeks of coming off short esters test p tren a and mast e...before that i blast and cruise at 500 mg and 200 mg test e weekly... doing bloods again june 9 and need to lower test...
  20. crash

    Never Hungry in the morning.

    Try some Lingandrol this shit is making me eat the paint off the walls my appetite is crazy right now and wt isn't changing that much... I'm eating a 700 more calories a day than when I started