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  1. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    just gona post the quotes which made me wonder about the 1.5X thing, let me know what you guys think, most of you are a lot more educated about this stuff than me.... "because a 10mg nolvadex tablet actually has 15.2 mg tamoxifen citrate=10mg tamoxifen (wo/citrate) and what percentage actually...
  2. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    nah, not talkin about the companies poduct bro.. It was just something I had read... it stated that liquid forms need 1.5X the dosage, regardless, I'll make sure to look at that site! By the waym that product is from pnp what Anti-E do you suggest from the options on MC? LiquaFem? Being used for...
  3. F

    just to confirm... Nolvadex

    its in citrate form.... just making sure its valid nolvadex... this is just drank? Should it be mixed with anything...? Ive heard this form (in comparison to tabs) requires 1.5X more dosage...true? Thanks
  4. F

    Hair loss question

    ever since Ive shaved its been going pretty good.. And when I mean shaved im talking Mach3'ing it. Should I still use those products on my bare head? Ofcourse the hair grows a ittle within a couple days and ill keep the stubbles for awhile too
  5. F

    Hair loss question

    but what are the effects of these products if say... your head is shaved? Would you even have to use these products in that case?
  6. F

    Hair loss question

    I personalyy have had thinning hair for the past 2-3 years and im only 20... One of my precautions to using any supp's is hairloss, The past couple years Ive kept my head shaved or my hair very short. Now my question is, do these supp's effect the hair follecule (sp?) itself? meaning no matter...
  7. F

    winny or dbol only cycle (tabs)?

    What are your experiences with a strictly dbol or strictly winny cycle? More specific... if they are tabs. Im somewhat leaning towards a strictly dbol tab cycle but am wonder what some of your experiences/info are. I know Ive read and heard it tends to be more toxic to your liver and the gains...
  8. F

    opinions needed, start or no?

    well lets see... todays breakfast: 3 chocolate chip pancakes, 3 bananas and a large cup of chocolate milk... lunch: 6 slices of Pizza (topping included cheese, peperoni, mushrooms) & 13 honey garlic wings... water for drink. not sure if I can make out dinner at this point :)
  9. F

    opinions needed, start or no?

    nah, I dont gain fat very easily at all, been at this weight for about 2-3 years
  10. F

    opinions needed, start or no?

    alright, this is the path I think I'll follow for now... going to bulk 1st, gona try and get to about 215ish (30lbs heavier than now). gona start with creatine and protein and dieting (for bulking) accroding to my searches I should just be eatting everything in sight till I reach my desired...
  11. F

    opinions needed, start or no?

    my training in the past is probably considered average. I would hit the gym probably more in comparison to the average person. Probably 4 times a week, for about atleast 1.5hours focusing on a single muscle at a time (bi's or tri's r chest, etc). Im currently 6' and about 182lbs, never measured...
  12. F

    opinions needed, start or no?

    got to say guys, great site and great people. Cant stop reading :D ok, now to my question... I just turned 20 (literally a week ago). My main goal is to bulk a tad bit and then go for some major cutting. Im considering AS but after doing some research I find that my age might be a little under...
  13. F

    New guy

    hey guys, hows it going... just signed up literally a few hours ago. Looking forward to gaining some knowledge on not just AS but weightlifting in general. I just turned 20 and have worked out often off and on. Furthest Ive gone wih any sort of product at all is Creatine and Protein.... gains...