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  1. Arnoldgate

    Monster abs

    I agree that your abs depends on your kitchen, cause I've seen such people who go to the gym and still eat a lot. It's nonsens
  2. Arnoldgate

    Quads without squats?

    I've seen a few guys say they never squat, due to medical reasons, and they have good thighs. One said he just does presses, lunges, and extensions, and his legs are huge. But he also has great genetics. I am one of them, I also never squat cause I have problems with my knees.
  3. Arnoldgate

    How to Backload Insulin Pins - with Pictures

    Thanks for the information.
  4. Arnoldgate

    Marissa Rivero McGrath

    She is sexy, how do you think, are her boobs natural?
  5. Arnoldgate

    Chyna found dead

    Rip, the was really beautiful
  6. Arnoldgate

    Eggs.. no they are not bad for you

    I know that it is ok to eat 1-2 eggs a Day
  7. Arnoldgate

    Is your Salmon safe?

    Thank you for useful information! I will also buy only wild salmon
  8. Arnoldgate

    My intro

  9. Arnoldgate

    No-Bake Protein Bars

    Are they really tasty with oatmeal?
  10. Arnoldgate

    Daily Dietary Requirements Calculator Here I found one
  11. Arnoldgate

    Nutritional Data B.M.I. and Calorie Calculator. Body Mass Index

    This calculator estimates the number of Calories that you burn during exercise and daily living. The report generated by this calculator also includes information about your Body Mass Index (BMI), and lists your recommended daily intakes for individual nutrients...
  12. Arnoldgate

    Armenian Red Brown Rice Recipe

    I also prefer this rice, thank you for recipe.
  13. Arnoldgate

    Alcohol and Muscle Growth

    After all I read i can do my own conclusion, that sport and alcohol two unrelated things, but sometimes , as yellow snow told, 1-2 bottles of beer, or glass of wine won't be a big problem for your organism. :thumbsup:
  14. Arnoldgate

    New Member

    Welcome back, can you give us some advices, for example for the begginers, i see that you have a good experiance.:bber: