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  1. ColdHeartBear

    I am not the only one who thinks soy protein sucks.

    I have gotten tired of arguing against the soy propaganda machine. The studies still show brain shrinkage and thyroid problems from use of any soy product. There is no evidence other than very controlled studies (all financed by the soy industry) with no outside proof that soy is safe.The...
  2. ColdHeartBear

    Sides from low dose m1t 7 4ad cycle???????????

    I would say 350 mg 3x a day. Others say 250 mg 2-3 x a day.
  3. ColdHeartBear

    Sides from low dose m1t 7 4ad cycle???????????

    The 4ad is to combat M1t lethargy and lack of interest in the ladies. If you do not have the lethargy (some don't) then yes you can do without the 4ad.
  4. ColdHeartBear

    American Ginseng Berry Extract: Weight loss aid and diabetic cure

    England, Just in case you need a bit of what I have found. Ginseng Berry Extract Shows Promise For Diabetes, Obesity An extract from the ginseng berry shows real promise in treating diabetes and obesity, reports a research team...
  5. ColdHeartBear

    American Ginseng Berry Extract: Weight loss aid and diabetic cure

    Thanx. I have been netting it for 4 months now and am getting frustrated with it. Found 1 more chinese source and I will try it next month. But am beginning to distrust the chinese on this matter.
  6. ColdHeartBear

    Christmas Gifts for Musclemen ??

    How about not being drug along on the after christmas shopping frenzy from 12-25-04 to 01-05-05?
  7. ColdHeartBear

    Lab Rat report.. Adequan I.M. injections

    Hmmmm.....vewwy intwesting.
  8. ColdHeartBear

    Is Androbolic legit?

    Mo, I will bump this for you. But I did searches on 5 different boards and nothing came up. It may be a new company or??!!??
  9. ColdHeartBear

    American Ginseng Berry Extract: Weight loss aid and diabetic cure

    And no one seems to sell it. I have bought 2 from chinese distributors saying they sell the berry but they sold me the root. For more than 2000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has used ginseng root to treat a variety of ailments. This...
  10. ColdHeartBear

    Good MRP?

    I mix the following at a 1 to 1 ration with aussie caseinate (5.90 a lb). Less than 60 cents a serving (2 oz) with a 5 lb purchase of each. Unflavored Smoothie Meal Replacer 1 lbs Price: $9.99 2 lbs Price: $18.99 5...
  11. ColdHeartBear

    P-gh Who Has Tryed It

    I am interested in this myself. Even if it comes up short on the GH, the reports of much much better sleep with long term use sounds like just the ticket for me. Combined with igf and you should have a more complete package.
  12. ColdHeartBear


    Would like to see the results of your re-evaluation as your earlier post was definitely convincing to me.
  13. ColdHeartBear

    New to the dark side

    eq = Equipoise I would advise reading Flexmasters post on tendons if you are unfamiliar with eq.
  14. ColdHeartBear

    Time of day to lift

    Pre-workout meal 20 grams of isolate, 1 gram of hydrolysed isolate, some glutamine, glycine, guarana, chocamine, and honey about 20 minutes before workout. = Less than 1/2 cup of drink. Then really add it on for the postworkout shake.
  15. ColdHeartBear

    GH/IGF/MGF, reading

    Is this one of the reasons users of Igf report pain in the joints and muscles upon wakening?
  16. ColdHeartBear

    Time of day to lift

    I vote for the morning workout. It is easier to skip an afternoon or evening workout based on mood, exhaustion, or outside interference.
  17. ColdHeartBear

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    Actually proud, at the time I made my first reply I knew nothing regarding the new creatine esters. Please accept this as a rethinking of my position subject to time actually supporting the hype in process now.
  18. ColdHeartBear

    IM nonhumble O- best non book read on

    bump regarding FDA's moves against supplements.
  19. ColdHeartBear

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    Brutal1: I missed clodheart's reply. But I can put forth a little extra effort when it comes to critiquing such a typical ripoff the unwary type company as musclewreck. Not only do you pay ridiculous prices for their sugar, the evidence is in that the sugar is not the factor in utilization of...
  20. ColdHeartBear

    PH Stack Questions

    Jeeesh. NO PCT!!!! At least the amounts of PHs you are using are so low that it would take 6 weeks to stop your natural test. If you are otc then get 6OXO and Formestane. Use the Formestane the last 6 weeks on cycle, 1 week after cycle, and 6OXO from 10 days after cycle till recovery. If your...