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  1. ColdHeartBear

    Another Fina conversion thread

    OHHHHHHtahtay No more wire hangers.
  2. ColdHeartBear

    question about gyno

    Pain in or near the mammary gland, slightly or very hard lumps (usually gravel or pea size) in the breast area and when the fun really begins some lactation. one can then join the Richard Speck fan club.
  3. ColdHeartBear

    How does thenew law effect your products

    All prohormone merchants are affected by the coming ban. The degree and perniciousness of the effects depend very much on the exact wording of the law involved and I for one have not seen a copy of the final bill. I am sure there will be exceptions for certain "special" entities added to that bill.
  4. ColdHeartBear

    Deliveries to UK

    I am not in the know as to the time required to deliver from the US to UK but I order completely above board from Australia, Brazil, and South Africa and the time of delivery from each varies from 12 days to 3 months. Waiting is a pain, but overseas is a special pain.
  5. ColdHeartBear

    do you add egg whites to your shake?

    I do not mix raw egg in my drinks but do use egg white powder mixed with whey isolate and aussie caseinate. If you are looking for sources of information and egg whites here are a few sites.
  6. ColdHeartBear .....................!!!!!

    ATW is a great company with a responsive set of owners. However in buying flavors in quantity...uhhh. I bought 10 lbs of orange isolate. It tasted like orange pushups...was great for the first 2 lbs. That was April...I still have 6 lbs I went through 5 lbs of their chocolate since...
  7. ColdHeartBear


    There is almost nothing of substance other than personal accounts. None of the prohormones have extensive research published except as excerpts by those promoting their use. With the ban in the USA pending there now will not be any research, unless via an aids grant.
  8. ColdHeartBear

    Best Rapper Of All Times ?

    Weird Al Yankovic.
  9. ColdHeartBear

    Weight gainer!! powder

    If you really want that many calories then just mix 30 gms of aussie caseinate with 20 gms of microfiltered whey protein and 20 gms of milk protein isolate for protein, 2 table spoons of olive oil and 1 table spoon of virgin coconut oil, teaspoon of cinnamin and sugar to taste. This will be...
  10. ColdHeartBear

    Weight gainer!! powder

    Look at the ingredients. Save your money and buy 10 lbs of sugar, some cheap stomach grinding whey and a can of lard. Weight gainer mixes are one of the great ripoffs in supplement history.
  11. ColdHeartBear

    Advantage of natural PB??

    The feds allow you to understate carbs and fat if it is not natural. example if you have maltodextrin and soy oil added but they constitute less than 2 grams of each then they do not have to be listed in the totals. So just like the amount of rat feces included if you fall below the magic number...
  12. ColdHeartBear

    Western Union...

    Yeah. Simple math. Average transaction period is less than 1 week. most transactions measured in hours. flat 7% fee on every transaction reduced to 4% on a sliding scale say at 10 grand. Annual expenses: Gov't fee...say 50 grand. local bank fees 5 grand. Pay IT security professional 100 grand...
  13. ColdHeartBear

    If my posts are not making sense

    irish, sent you a pm. your box is full.
  14. ColdHeartBear

    If my posts are not making sense

    I apologise. I am on the 3rd day of a weight loss cycle in which I am using several aids (legal) to weight loss. As far as I can tell though, even with rereading the posts, most make sense at least in the way that I meant them too. If I am wrong, please tell me, and I will stop this cycle, as...
  15. ColdHeartBear


    test prop is not strictly speaking a hardening as. I think the igf during the pct would be a good idea. I have seen others suggest winny during last 3 weeks of such a cycle to reduce water retention but that to me seems to not really be taking advantage of what it offers. Also it has been...
  16. ColdHeartBear

    Cell Tech Creatine?

    Just get the cheapest micronised creatine you can find, add sugar source of choice, take an ala cap and save a fortune. You will have designed a much superior product to cellwreck.
  17. ColdHeartBear

    Forskolin is reportedly cheaper but there was some discussion on avant labs site that it may be phony.
  18. ColdHeartBear

    pit bull owners I can not believe the amount of crap people will accept without the simplest checks to confirm. But then I remained a democrat from childhood to the mid 20's so I guess I should know all of us can...
  19. ColdHeartBear

    Biggest Fear about Gear?

    How about being in one of those year long cycles but you get busted on the 10th month and while you are waiting in jail you become betty for all the boys.
  20. ColdHeartBear

    should IGF-1lr3 have made me fat????

    Where did you hear that information? It is useful to know who is misleading whether through ignorance or fraud. Another reason not to believe something just because someone types it in on a board. Wait before you do something. Usually fraud is announced somewhere.