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  1. malloryb

    as much strength as possible

    it sounds like you have made up your mind about using aas. so maybe you will be better off just doing some good old fashioned research on these boards and get the info you need. i hate to see someone as young as you using gear bro, and i know many will agree with me
  2. malloryb

    GYNO and m1t ?

    HCG administration post-cycle is common practice among bodybuilders in the belief that it will aid the natural testosterone recovery, but this theory is unfounded and also counterproductive. The rapid rise in both testosterone, and thus estrogen due to aromatisation, from the administration of...
  3. malloryb

    anyone cycled Methyl-5-Alpha Androstanediol ?

    if you have, what were your results and how does it compare to M1T and Methyl-D? Thanks guys
  4. malloryb

    All natural Peanut Butter

    power butter isn't all that great...check out these lab results, they reveal the true breakdown of the nutrients in Power Butter
  5. malloryb

    Time of day to lift

    i used to be a morning guy but now i go in the afternoon because i can bring my son to the daycare for the hour im hittin it
  6. malloryb

    Is This Cycle Legit?

    that is along the lines of what i was thinking originally but then thought maybe breaking it up would help my liver out a little bit...should i not care?
  7. malloryb

    Is This Cycle Legit?

    Background on myself first: Weight 190lbs Height 6 feet BF 15% Lifting for 3 years consistently Only done 2 cycles in the past of 1-AD Week 1-2 10mg ED M1T Week 1-2 4AD Transdermal ED Week 3-4 40mg ED tamoxifen citrate Week 5-6 15 or 20mg ED M1T Week 7-8 20mg ED tamox Will be taking milk...
  8. malloryb

    Ergopharm 6-OXO

    thanks for the heads up about massnutrition, i have been using for the last couple years and am quickly finding out they do not have the best prices at all.