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  1. T

    Methyl-D with Fatburner

    Thanks for the reply Press....DO you think i am wasting too much muscle with all the cardio, and hard diet?? What kind of diet, sups should i add?
  2. T

    Methyl-D with Fatburner

    I do about 40 minutes on the eliptical in the morning. I pop a few pills and do my cardio on an empty stomach.
  3. T

    Methyl-D with Fatburner

    Hey, I have been on the Methyl for abotu 2 weeks now and running it with some xenadrine.. i am also on a low carb high protein diet.. I have made soem nice gains. I am tryign to lose Bf and still keep my size. I am 5'11. 200 about 11% bf...any ideas??????