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  1. J

    Tne in oil brew ..

    I made it with guaiacol instead on polysorbate 80, but I dont think that poly will change so much the color, I don't khurgan.. can you explain all the step you have done to make the injectable? For example I have mixed ba + guaiacol + powder, then I have heat it all, until it's clear, and then...
  2. J

    Tne in oil brew ..

    mmmm I don't think so, I have made it succesfully, but it was normal, light yellow oil ;)
  3. J

    Tne in oil brew ..

    this could be a good reason.. test base have a melting point of 160 celsius, so you have to cook it at a higher temperature than normal compounds (test prop cyp, boldenone ecc.) same thing for anadrol and primobolan.. another two compounds that have a high melting point..
  4. J

    Tne in oil brew ..

    do you have reached the melting point of the pwder when heating it?
  5. J

    Polysorbate 80

    Do you use it for your conversions? if so, on witch compounds? any thoughts is appreciated ;)
  6. J

    Homebrew synthol

    Bump this beautiful thread :)
  7. J

    How to measure Equi. undecylenate?

    Hi guys, as we know equipoise undecylenate, will melt at room temperature, so if I order 50grams of this compound (and it will be liquid), for example, how can I measure 10grams of this compound? Thank you!
  8. J

    TNE Recipe

    This I don't know, maybe because the powder is unstable.. But I want stay safe and secure that my gear is dosed right. I saw in other forums that they suggest to use 1ml/50mg, because crash.. ;)
  9. J

    TNE Recipe

    Nope, keep it always at 100mg or at leat 50mg.. altough it will go in crash..
  10. J

    Tne in oil brew ..

    yes, should be ok...
  11. J

    Testosterone vs. HGH

    Test.. (but it's a lot better test + HGH) :)
  12. J


    TNE/Tren base/halotestine ♥
  13. J

    Tren Base

    you can use the same recipe of TNE.. with a super solvent.. easy :)
  14. J


    I think 2xED shot it's the best.. 3ED only if you have to use +10iu's ..
  15. J


    Infact I'm talking about "powder" and not "purity of the powder", the second phrase can be real.. but never happend to me so far..
  16. J

    chinese hgh

    I know that... And that's why I have only pinned rHGH :)
  17. J

    TNE Recipe

    why not? if the tren in the next days will be crystallized, just take the vial, put it on a open flame for 10/15 second, and then shake vigorously, let it cool down (not too much) and then you can pin yourself...
  18. J

    TNE Recipe

    Sure.. IF I have to do 100ml of TNE: 3ml of solvent 200ml of TNE: 6ml of solvent So giving this percentages: 2% BA 18/20% BB 3% Solvent (I use polysorbate80)
  19. J

    chinese hgh

    I've done 1 serum test on my First Order of HGH.. and itwas very good.. So..... on the next order I will re-make the serum test.. But yes I was saying that you have to do a serum test from you own blood.. :)
  20. J


    If you want to be sure if your powders are legit, you have to do a melting point test.. you an find many guides around the web..