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  1. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (1 of 2)

    Regardless of who you like or don't like, who do you think will win the series? I think the Cardinals will take the Yankees out in 6 or 7 games. I wish it were the Red Sox, but things look pretty dark for Boston right now.
  2. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (2 of 2)

    Who do you want to win the World Series
  3. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (1 of 2)

    Who do you think will win the World Series?
  4. sundevil

    Why You Should Taking Spotting Seriously

    Good reminder. We all need spotters no matter how far along. Mistakes happen. Plus the spotter is critical for hitting those last couple reps that make you grow.
  5. sundevil


    One thing that is helpful with prop at the end of a cycle is this. Test enth has a long half life (10.5 days) compared to test prop (4.5 days). Given the short half life of the test prop it can help you to move into your clomid therapy after a cycle faster -- thus minimizing impact from HPTA...
  6. sundevil

    need help saving a buddies job!!!!

    Bad statement in an article about a real issue -- I should have commented on that; thanks for pointing it out. In fact, nandralone is one of the hormones that did show up -- and as we know, nandralone stays for up to 18 months. From a logical perspective, why would the half lifes change if...
  7. sundevil

    Tren injection problem

    Some people are really sensitive to either BA or BB. Maybe the ratio of one to the other is different than you have ecountered in the past. For example, lots of folks have problems with BA -- me, I have no problems with it at all and don't even bother with BB. Some people are just the...
  8. sundevil

    need help saving a buddies job!!!!

    Hey bro, Your best bet is this. there have been many instances of prohormones found to contain actual hormones. That is, the prohormone makers often try to launch a product with good feedback and cheat a little. This has resulted in many athletes failing drug tests when they thought they...
  9. sundevil

    Lean Bulker

    As with any cycle you always make sure you have your anti-e's before the cycle. I love the short cycle stuff like the classic tren/prop cpmbo. I think your numbers look good. A little advice from a long time tren prop guy. Make sure you have a lot of good injection sites. That is don't...
  10. sundevil

    My Grandfathers Death

    My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family Bro.
  11. sundevil

    is it ok

    You can use either -- just remember that half of the esthers in the sus are short acting so you have to schedule it different. IMO sus is actually better with tren -- I'll tell you why. Tren is best taken as 75 mg ED or 150 mg EOD. Since half the sus is short acting and only half is long...
  12. sundevil

    Western Union...

    Don't use their online service. They will call to confirm if they actually approve it, often they don't -- lots of reverse scams use the online version. Also, online requires credit card and is easily traced. You should not have any issues with WU at the local grocery store or liquor store --...
  13. sundevil

    Now wait just one minizzle!

    Clomid tastes like crap while winny tastes kinda like candy. Clomid will bring u down (helps u get in touch with ur feminine side) -- winny will lift u up.
  14. sundevil

    anadrol...taste test???

    never notice much taste -- like mmx2 said, the Chinese ones are kinda chalky. I don't really know a distinctive taste to abombs -- and i have had experience with them more than a bit.
  15. sundevil

    Need Some Help

    Hey Lilwhiskeygrl, 2 great sites on steroid law by the one and only Rick Collins. Check these out In addition Google these Steroid Control Act of 1990, Steroid Control Act of 2004 sundevil
  16. sundevil

    Am on dbol for 1.5 weeks now,

    Agreed. If you must do cardio keep it short and light and 3 times a week -- I think you should cut it totally till you finish the mass cycle. On a dbol cycle you are looking to pack on mass -- cardio on a mass cycle is like laying bricks every morning and then taking a sledge hammer to your...
  17. sundevil

    Best oral for strength?

    I'm pretty consistent -- I like a-bombs -- rapid gains in strength and muscle for me
  18. sundevil

    Kick off orals a waste?

    I disagree that all gains from the orals are quickly lost. Sure, some of the gains are lost -- especially the water. But there are still solid gains from dbol,drol, winny, etc. I think it is good sense to stack orals with injectibles -- but everyone's opinion differs.
  19. sundevil

    How Much Do Your Guns Cost?

    Gym memberships, hardware, gear -- over the last five years at least 10K
  20. sundevil

    roid rage! Yah right

    During my first tren cycle I noticed an increase in agression. Since then, I have to agree with the others who say juice actually calms me down.