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  1. DecaDent*

    where is every1

    Took me a week to figure it out so I'm sure I'm not the only dummy that's been lost,hope everyone makes there way back!
  2. DecaDent*

    low dose T3 throughout cycle

    Glad to help bro,keep us posted on this 4 month plan and have fun growing!
  3. DecaDent*

    low dose T3 throughout cycle

    12.5/25/37.5/50/62.5/75/87.5/100/112.5/100/75/50/25/12.5 This is how I would do it,gives you nine weeks of increasing T3 levels to cut and 5 weeks for your body to readjust while you taper.
  4. DecaDent*

    low dose T3 throughout cycle

    I think you'll lose the intended benifits of T3 after just a few weeks if you do not adjust the dose upward. Reason being, your natural TSH levels will re-equilibrate to a lower level during that time and reduce your own natural T3 levels so that the net gain on total T3 levels will be zero...
  5. DecaDent*

    I want everyone to help me choose something that I really like, so everyone respond !

    #3 is a classic look that you can keep,the yellow one would get old fast.
  6. DecaDent*

    Z-Track method for injecting

    The Z track method is good especially for larger volume injections,but I agree with everyone else the air thing is just stupid. A small amount of air is really no danger as far as embolism or clot is concerned even if it was injected directly into a vein. But adding air on purpose to extract...
  7. DecaDent*

    Finally going on again. What do you think of this?

    I had the same thought as rico. If your used to that much test from past cycles then ok but going up that high for me only seemed to increase sides and not gains. The femara is an excellent choice as well IMO. Good luck with the cycle!
  8. DecaDent*

    Marijuana, Interesting point!! whachha think??

    The thermogenic effects are effectively canceled out by the munchy-ogenic effects. To bad huh :D
  9. DecaDent*


    Looking good bro,I think your right on target for your summer goals!
  10. DecaDent*

    This cracked me the hell up

    LMAO,Made it through my firewall too,(most of the good stuff won't)thanks!
  11. DecaDent*

    Hey board, New cycle coming up and wanted to run it by for some critiquing

    swolegeaser wrote: 1) why run the prop in the begining, u have the test enth and EQ that should be good enough for u. just run the test prop in ur second half or else ur basically just wasting ur gear..... I don't agree with that, I like the prop jumpstart at the beginng,I'd keep that. I...
  12. DecaDent*

    Training on pain meds

    Good question....My plan is to give it ten days of rest(will be hitting legs/cardio/abs/some isolation arm exercises but no chest or shoulders on those days. My Doc is a top rated sports medicine orthopod and uses extremely low volumes of concentrated cortisone with a 30ga directed needle to...
  13. DecaDent*

    next cycle...please critique

    With orals you should dose every 12hrs minimal,the injected suspension version acts like a crystaline depot and EOD/and even every 3rd day is adequate to maintain levels. Those ** tabs can be quartered. Take 1/2 of the quartered tab in AM and 1/2 of the quartered tab in the PM. (1/8 tab per...
  14. DecaDent*

    Training on pain meds

    I get a great workout on Vikes,I think in part because the don't make me drowsy at all like most people,if anything I get a little more hyper on them. Just got cortizone in my shoulder Monday after fighting with some rotator cuff tendonitis for the past 2 months..taking antiinflammatories and it...
  15. DecaDent*

    next cycle...please critique

    Wow,a 4 month cycle. :D You'll have a great time this summer. I like the timing and the dosages.......(except the winstrol dose,I believe 0.04mg/lb/day is sufficient,that's only 8-10mg/day for most people)
  16. DecaDent*

    EQL are weak test reports
  17. DecaDent*

    second cycle ... looking for opinions

    As far as winstrol doses go,alot of animal reseachers use 0.04mg/lb (that's 4 mg per day for every 100lbs) so a 200lb bodybuilder would take 8mg/day. At 0.04mg/lb significant increases in nitrogen retention and muscle mass occur,going higher up in the dose does not produce equivalent increases...
  18. DecaDent*

    Dbol / Anavar / Winny?

    Check the underware drawer for some Test. If it's empty then I like bjtheman's suggestion.
  19. DecaDent*

    second cycle ... looking for opinions

    I like the cycle. I'm not a fan of winstol in general due to the sides ,especially elevated lipids/cholesterol#( get a cholesterol check when your on it and you'll see what I mean,thru the roof values in most people). You can get good gains and minimal sides with 6-12mg winny ED even though...