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  1. cybersteffan

    insulin questions

    here 's the next question already just how immediately is 'immediately after your workout'? I can be home in about 10 minutes after my workout. Is this still ok? Rather put a pin in my tubby at home than taking it with me to the gym.
  2. cybersteffan

    insulin questions

    o yeah perhaps one more... does any of the vets here used it yet? and if so could he publish a simple diary of what he did. I am so busy at work I have way to much time to convert all this theory to practice. I would like a small and simple insulin guide for dummies... just playing the copycat.
  3. cybersteffan

    insulin questions

    I've been reading up big time. About a hundred pages or so. I has confused me big time. I wish someone would make a decent, understandable, small and practical summary. I 'll have to do that myself I guess. Anyway, still haven't decided if I'm gonna do it or not, but as for now I already have...
  4. cybersteffan

    Scammed By superman1975 for $200

    I hate scammers fuck this sucks. man I trusted that guy!!! helped me out a few times. Did I mention I hate scammers?
  5. cybersteffan

    bridging - expert advise needed!

    Sounds very nice indeed! How much would I take of those than? How much gains will it make me? The original plan for the bulking cycle I was gonna do was 600test+400EQ/week ,starting of with 4 weeks of dbol and finishing of with 4 weeks of tren 100mg/EOD.
  6. cybersteffan

    bridging - expert advise needed!

    In a very tiny country the Western Europe ;-) where customs are assholes when it comes to packages coming from ouside the European Union. Also, I don't have much practical knowledge about using slin and surely not about IGF. I know what they are and how they work but that's about it. Is IGF...
  7. cybersteffan

    bridging - expert advise needed!

    IGF, Slin and especially GH are hard to find for me and mainly... they caost a lot!!! I have already spent more than enough on my 'normal' cycles.
  8. cybersteffan

    bridging - expert advise needed!

    I would rather prefer an option without slin :s
  9. cybersteffan

    bridging - expert advise needed!

    Here’s the situation. I’ll try and keep it short ;-) My last bulking cycle ended in March. I hardly lost any muscle since then. I was planning my next cycle in September which would have given me a 5 months off period. I’m very slowly starting to loose some strength and mass now, so I was...
  10. cybersteffan

    hyperhidrosis follow-up

    more than 95%
  11. cybersteffan

    hyperhidrosis follow-up

    Oh and also, this nerves are also involved in the blushing of that area. For those of you who remember my posts about my high bp while on, well I'm guessing I just felt more because of sweating and blushing so much on my face. Is has been extremely warm here last week and last tuesday my face...
  12. cybersteffan

    hyperhidrosis follow-up

    to see the original post click here I got this text in the original post from a US website. The procedure is performed a bit different here with us. I went to the doc on Monday at the hospital where they perform this procedure. For those interested, let me explain a little. Hyperhidrosis is...
  13. cybersteffan

    anesthetics and AAS

    I have to go in for surgery in midst November. This would actually be right in the middle of my fall cycle. Would it hurt to have a small surgery done while on AAS or should I wait till winter to do the cycle? I'm sure as hell not gonna tell the doc what I am on, you know what they can get...
  14. cybersteffan

    doesn't it just suck...

    do you know what the worst part is? Today I found even my bike suit was getting too small. Do you know I bought that suit only a year ago for 1250$, which isn't even all that expensive for decent bike wear.
  15. cybersteffan

    cycle questions (4) - side effects

    yeah but you were just havin' wet dreams bro ;)
  16. cybersteffan

    doesn't it just suck...

    ...that when you grow you need so many new clothes? :rolleyes: Summer has started and I almost don't have a single thing to wear cuz everything has gotten too damn small. Many of my favorite clothes I just bought a year ago are now all good to throw away :) I'm kinda afraid of buying too many...
  17. cybersteffan

    hyperhidrosis surgery

    Hyperhidrosis = extreme sweating Well I sweat a lot. Lots of board members here do, but my case is extreme. While I sweat only on my face and my body usually stays dry as a cork, my facial sweat is extremely extreme, which bring a great discomfort. I literally leak like a fountain. Becoming a...
  18. cybersteffan

    Finally back...

    like? anything important?
  19. cybersteffan

    Finally back...

    damn bro your post count is going through the roof ;-)