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  1. teedubgee

    Because apprently Presser likes my girlfriend...

    There you go Presser. I didn't have any directly from behind... well, any that I was willing to share :D I'm sure you can tell from her waist to thigh ratio, she's got a typical Colombian ass.
  2. teedubgee

    need opinions on this one

    Holy shit, I forgot about this thread! How fuckin funny to read through it again. Anyway, chains are a great idea, and more importantly reusable! I go through zip ties and duct tape like nobody's business!
  3. teedubgee

    Joint Issues

    Yeah, consider yourself lucky. I've been taking 10g of fish oil everyday for well over 10 years. It sure as shit hasn't stopped my joint pain =/
  4. teedubgee

    Joint Issues

    Kratom? Isn't that supposed to get you high? I didn't know it was good for joint pain.
  5. teedubgee

    Mixing HCG in used vial

    I was actually gonna include, "turn the amp upside down" in my explanation, but didn't wanna go through the hassle of explaining that the water wouldn't come out, haha.
  6. teedubgee

    Mixing HCG in used vial

    Nah man, most people really do just mix it in the amp. What is it like 5,000IU? Just crack the amp, fill it with 1ml of water, get a few slin pins and draw out your dosage for each shot (every .2ml = 1,000IU).
  7. teedubgee

    Musclechemistry IGF

    Nice! All this MC igf talk makes me wanna give it another go. You gonna be posting progress pics of your prep?
  8. teedubgee

    Mixing HCG in used vial

    Maybe if the vial was completely cleaned out, but not something I would do. Just crack the amp, mix it in there, and pre-load your pins.
  9. teedubgee

    Because apprently Presser likes my girlfriend...

    Hahahaha, witty :rolleyes:
  10. teedubgee

    Because apprently Presser likes my girlfriend...

    Because apparently Presser likes my girlfriend... We (I) made it two years this past January, and we're not sick of each other yet (she hasn't left me... whew!). Still training, still unemployed, still busy with school, graduate this summer, or in the fall if I intern through the summer. And...
  11. teedubgee

    Joint Issues

    Yeah man, haven't used igf in a looooong time. I might have to try that again. Yeah, gonna use it for at least 6 months and have been lifting in the higher rep ranges. Lifting lighter doesn't really help, because I just do more reps and the pain lasts throughout a longer fuckin set! I...
  12. teedubgee

    How long do you have sex for on cycle...

    Damn, shit has changed in 7 years! I think I need to get back on high test/proviron!
  13. teedubgee

    MICHELLE LEWIN - IFBB Bikini Pro. Video . Sexy Sexy Sexy

    Hahaha, I dunno man, she even has kind of a big forehead. Lol, maybe if I were in a pinch.
  14. teedubgee

    Joint Issues

    What do you guys do for joint pain/tendonitis? I have diagnosed tendonitis in both knees and elbows and it fuckin sucks. I take forever to warm up, use icy-hot, and use sleeves or wraps. I just recently bought a shit load of Glucosamine, MSM, and UC-II. I plan on taking 4000/4000/80mgs a...
  15. teedubgee

    MICHELLE LEWIN - IFBB Bikini Pro. Video . Sexy Sexy Sexy

    I don't know man, I can't get past that birth mark/freckle mass on her neck and chest. I mean shit, she's fine, but still...
  16. teedubgee

    How to dose a sustanon 250 steroid cycle.

    EOD is the way to go. I actually tried once and twice a week before, but felt eod to be more stable.
  17. teedubgee

    I am looking for 1 or 2 NEW Site Reps/Mods for MuscleChemistry.

    Same here man. I actually feel bad when I've been away for too long.
  18. teedubgee


    Lookin good man. Welcome to the board.
  19. teedubgee

    Pretty cool compliment!

    Haha, I'm sure this dude knows. Just like we know about him. And yeah, he probably was checkin out my girl =/
  20. teedubgee

    Bulky, Sloppy, Angry Hammer Curls

    Haha, c'mon. How strict can you get with 100's? It's just for show anyway, I'd stop at 50's and do hammers across the chest (pinwheels) if I cared about form ;)