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  1. Macho313

    NPP Recipe.....

    Personally I suggest 150mg, and it will completely painless, and definitely won't crash.. Lmk if you need the recipe?... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  2. Macho313

    212 Division - Is it entertaining??

    Great fu****g article brother.... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  3. Macho313

    NPP Recipe.....

    If using this recipe you will need 100% EO as a carrier... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  4. Macho313

    10ml vials never have 10mls

    .0010..... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  5. Macho313

    10ml vials never have 10mls

    Definitely getting jerked because just about every brand vial I can think of holds more than 10ml. Some hold up to 13-14ml (Wheaton headspace). Only the RLS Shorty vials hold exactly 10ml. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  6. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    I agree with you completely on the fact that hardly ever do Raws come with moisture in them and cause cloudy gear, and like you said i definitely don't see all of them having that same problem. Also bro this is the same guy you were talking to a few days ago on another form about filter bags...
  7. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    I don't use a water bath to heat my Raws either brother. What I use is a digital hot plate is with a magnetic stir Rod. That is the proper way. I was just assuming that was the way he was doing it. Also I did this for years on a very large scale and by no way does the BA evaporate. Unless maybe...
  8. Macho313

    Gym Rats Become Territorial Dominant When Injecting Boldenone and Winstrol

    What happened to you bro? Haven't heard from you honestly a little let down and surprised. Still don't know what I can do though on my end for you. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  9. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    Hey Brother 100% of Raws come from China. Well at least 100% of the Raws they're being purchased by any UGL and sometimes even pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and so on. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  10. Macho313

    Newb filter questions.

    Bro I know this post is old but I put a smile on my face to read it because you might be the second person I've ever seen that set a .45um filter is just fine which I 110% agree with. I also agree with PVDF filters. However they have to be hydrophobic or do you use hydrophilic? Sent from my...
  11. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    Also the shelf life on MCT oil it's 2 to 4 years. As long as you're keeping it stored safely with the lid screwed on tight and not getting any moisture in it. GSO has a 1 year shelf life. So again as long as you're keeping that stored correctly that shouldn't be the problem either. Don't...
  12. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    Yes something definitely doesn't sound right. I could maybe understand if that was happening to Tren, but even then it's not right. I would like to know where the Raws came from tho, and I don't think it's anything to do with your carrier oils, solvents, or your heating process. The only thing...
  13. Macho313

    How to make liquid anavar

    Will this work will 25 mg anavar or do you need Peg 300 or 400 or something like that? Also can you substitute the ethanol for Everclear? Last but not least. Will this make a solution or suspension? Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  14. Macho313

    Am calling out out mach313.

    Bro you don't have nearly enough posts, have not been a member long enough, and have not contributed to this form enough to be calling somebody out. There's a reason I stopped replying to you and this is exactly why. I don't mind helping people out In fact I like helping people but there's a...
  15. Macho313

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    Bro you said it's a Milky film on top of the solution? If it was like a cloudy solution I would say there's moisture in your Raw, but if it's on the top that's something I've never seen before. A picture would definitely help though. Here's a few questions that can help me try to figure out...
  16. Macho313


    Man I know you remember how things used to be back in 2000. With all the fake wannabe thugs wearing Rocawear, and Rolexes and all that stuff. They knew damn well it was fake and they knew damn well they couldn't afford the real thing. Don't get me wrong I wasn't complaining I would try not to...
  17. Macho313

    Calorie Surplus is a Must!! Just kidding brother... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  18. Macho313


    Yeah that is a pretty cool to bro. Just imagine the kind of stuff they find with that. I can't remember how many different substances it can find but I believe it was a lot if my memory serves me correctly. Honestly though with all this goddamn Fentanyl and other stuff coming in from China it's...
  19. Macho313

    The Dude's IGF Comeback

    Don't know if you got my messages bro, but I'm looking to make the same come back. Either way just get back to me. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  20. Macho313

    Calorie Surplus is a Must!!

    Now everyone who wants to bulk or cut Just needs to figure what their BMR is. That seems to be everyone's problem. I know everyone probably knows this but the best way to track your food for free to figure out your Macros is the app MyFitnessPal. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk