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  1. Macho313

    Extreme Lethargy/Fatigue and Low Libido

    I don't think you should buy Dbol just because you don't know what the problem is yet. What I mean is you don't know if it's estrogen related, prolactin related or what it is. Therefore if i bought anything and I was you I would stay away from anything that might aromatized over into estrogen...
  2. Macho313

    New Lottery Giveaway Worth Over $400 ! Always 3 Winners Gauranteed!

    211 Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  3. Macho313

    Extreme Lethargy/Fatigue and Low Libido

    Yeah and another thing is if it was prolactin I would think you would have some kind of issue with your nipples depending on how long it's been going on everyone's body is different though. It definitely can't hurt to throw in something for prolactin considering you're taking 400 MG of Tren...
  4. Macho313

    Extreme Lethargy/Fatigue and Low Libido

    Sounds like you might have high prolactin from the tren. Sometimes just AI isn't enough. You probably need to get a dopamine antagonist such as caber or primi.. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  5. Macho313

    Hydrophobic filters

    There the best just saturate it with BA first. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  6. Macho313

    Cap came off vial. Still safe to use?

    Unless you spit in it or something... Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  7. Macho313

    Cap came off vial. Still safe to use?

    YES Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  8. Macho313

    DHB recipes

    Actually when using Mig840 as a carrier it can change the ratio of solvents used. As well as how fast in will Filter. Not just pin. For instance when making Test prop with Mig840 as the carrier @100mg my recipe is, 2%BA 12%BB REST Mig840 However when using GSO I have to bump my BB up to 15%...
  9. Macho313

    DHB recipes

    When adding EO or G. I would drop the BB content down a little bit. Even DHB @150MG Can hold with 2%BA 18%BB 30%EO HOWEVER IF YOU USE MIGLYOL840 AS A CARRIER YOU CAN DO 2%BA 18%BB 20%EO You can actually make it at 90 mg using MCT oil and no EO, but you would have to use 2%BA 20%BB Sent...
  10. Macho313

    Anyone Stack LR3+Insulin

    Bro you're not gambling as long as you know a little bit about nutrition. Depending on what kind of insulin you're taken for instance if it's fast acting like Humalog it's active for 5 hours therefore personally I would take it pre-workout and your igf post workout. when you take your insulin...
  11. Macho313

    Anyone Stack LR3+Insulin

    I know I'm a little late on this conversation, but I had to chime in because on this. Insulin can definitely benefits you when it comes to gain weight especially if you're a ectomorph,and naturally skinny. However I would only use insulin if your very knowledgeable about nutrition, and know...
  12. Macho313


    What's up Brothers I got a question hoping somebody can help me out. I got a friend that work she's losing some hair and his dermatologist prescribed him finistride. Well as far as I can remember everything I read about it was negative however when I tried to do some research I didn't come up...
  13. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Definitely bro I agree with you as always. I'm going to drop my test down to 300 a week and run 50 mg of Tren a ED. I APPRECIATE THE ADVICE.. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  14. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    I'm with you brother I've tried to run Tren a twice and both times I didn't make it past the week due to bad anxiety. I was actually thinking about giving it another shot maybe this week I feel as though I'm a little opposite now that I've got older I'm a lot more laid back so I'm hoping I can...
  15. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Oh brother trust me I agree with you on that I wouldn't personally use this myself. This is from back in my hay day you know it's all about supply and Personally I use something called ignite 100mg it's 75mg Test Base 25mg Adrol.. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  16. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Anyone or any lab making Primo Ace that doesn't bite like a snake knows what they're doing. I personally never try to make it but my buddy has, and he says it's no joke... Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  17. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    I agree with you but there's some stuff I just can't bring myself to try. for instance check this out and tell me if you would try I call this a domestic dispute waiting to Domestic dispute juice 100mg 25mg Test Base, 25mg Tren Base, 25mg Dbol, 25mg, Adrol 2%BA 50%BB 17%G...
  18. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Haha, you're the fucking man. No wonder you stay so damn lean and ripped. If I had to make it at 100mg each Tren A, Mast P, and Test P. I would use 2%BA, 18%BB, and 50/50 Mig840/EO. I'm pretty sure that would hold. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  19. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Sorry I just seen this post brother. My answer would be yes of course anything is possible depending on how much and what kind of solvents you wanted to use. However I wouldn't personally suggest this blend only because the carrier oil would have to either be 100% EO or you would need to add...
  20. Macho313

    Steroid conversions

    Nah brother I'm definitely not saying that some people aren't allergic to it. Just like MCT oil or Mig840 (Aka Mig812 or Mig840) there's definitely some people allergic to both. Like I said I personally thought I was one of those people for well over 5 years until it was brought to my attention...