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  1. Macho313

    Ugl and Safety

    I see you liked my post and my picture but never answered my question. Did the guy tell you up front what happened with these and tell you to throw them away and replace them with good ones? Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
  2. Macho313

    Ugl and Safety

    I would say ditch the whole clorohydroxyzine. Just wash the vials with dial dish soap Prince them out very well then brims them in 90% isopropyl alcohol wait for them to dry sit them upside down on a clean piece of tin foil on a baking tray and put them in the oven at 375 for 1 hour. By doing it...
  3. Macho313

    Ugl and Safety

    Did the guy at least tell you before he sent these that they were no good, and that he was going to trash them? Also did he replace them? Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
  4. Macho313


    So who do you have for the top five brother? I got Phil, Roden, Martinez, William bonac, Ramy. However I hope that Kevin levrone was able to grow his legs up a lot and is able if not crack the top be in top 5 at least crack the top 10.. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  5. Macho313

    First Brew

    No problem brother that's what we're here for. I'll tell you this though some people can really over-exaggerate the sterilization process will take it too far as long as you clean it then give it a bath and 70% or more isopropyl alcohol wait for it to dry and put it in the oven at 350 degrees...
  6. Macho313

    BIG Ramy - THE MAN WHO WILL DESTROY PHIL HEATH - Bodybuilding Motivation

    I definitely agree he's not the best people person it would be nice to have somebody that was. I mean Jay Cutler was great with people and still is, but at the same time I can't say Phil doesn't deserve to be where he's at. I mean say for instance they gave it to Evan centopani who I like a lot...
  7. Macho313

    No Wings of Strength??

    That must be nice I mean my wife is into it if she knows everybody, but the truth is the only reason she won't go to shows or watch them when I stream them to the TV with me anymore, because of what we're talking about here. The judges being so inconsistent she calls it a beauty pageant. t...
  8. Macho313

    BIG Ramy - THE MAN WHO WILL DESTROY PHIL HEATH - Bodybuilding Motivation

    He will never be pill don't get me wrong I'm a big fan of him but you got to be real.. I don't think anyone is going to beat phil until he hangs it up or gets hurt whichever one comes first.. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  9. Macho313

    New to the game needs help

    I completely agree with this .. don't waste your time or your money on var by it's self.. just run 4-500mg of test cypionate or test enanthate.. if you don't mind me asking what's you current stats like height, weight, BF,and age? Also do you switch up your workouts at the minimum of once a...
  10. Macho313

    First Brew

    Here is the nice hand pump from Amazon.. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  11. Macho313

    First Brew

    What's up brother if your not going to be filtering thousands of ml's at a time then I would go with a break bleeder hand pump. You can get a cheep one for about $20 at harbor freight or order a nice one on Amazon for I think $35. Millapore is a nice unit but if you can't run 500ml or more...
  12. Macho313

    No Wings of Strength??

    funny that you said Put it on paper so that we can see, the reason being I don't know if you have ever seen the interview with Tony Freeman when he was ranting about leaving the ifbb? The funny part he said if someone steps out of bounds in a football game we don't need a referee to tell us...
  13. Macho313

    No Wings of Strength??

    There should be some kind of written rules to tell you what the judges are looking for so people don't get robbed from show to show or if not rules at least the judges could be consistent so the athletes know what they need to do and what they need to bring on stage.. way too much politics...
  14. Macho313

    Proton mail

    I do not have their paid plan but I know the regular plans if you even reply to too many emails that went to your spam folder they will shut your account down. Either suspend you or completely close it for good. A friend of mine was sending me emails and some reason was going to my spam folder...
  15. Macho313

    MC igf with hgh

    This is exactly correct and is why I believe that they can a IGF on non-workout days is very beneficial because that is when you grow and it allows your body to use the nutrients of your eating the next day to help the muscles recover and grow. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  16. Macho313

    MC igf with hgh

    Your HGH timing is perfect except you do not need to wait that long to eat carbohydrates 30 minutes is enough after your shot. As far as the IGF goes, I would know shit pre-workout on workout days and on non workout days I would take it about an hour to an hour and a half after your HGH shot...
  17. Macho313

    Hype Denial

    Okay as soon as I get a break or a second here from work I will get the picture for you brother.. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  18. Macho313

    Hype Denial

    I definitely agree with you brother do some research and find out what they got and let me Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  19. Macho313

    Hype Denial

    I completely agree with you when you say them guys are from the Middle East do not want woman in the sport. And I'm starting to think they might have found a real myosatin inhibitor over there in Kuwait because the extra size that Brandon Curry put on in one year from training over there was...
  20. Macho313

    Hype Denial

    So what you're saying brother is you're picking Cedric McMillan correct? Which I agree with everything you said about him he definitely has the best physique and symetry in body but I'm right now. He has the round muscle bellies and everything it takes to be an Olympian considering what he does...