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  1. nox

    Need help bro's!! Gyno?

    Why the words of warning?
  2. nox

    Need help bro's!! Gyno?

    No nolva is what you want to use. Just dose as prez suggested. although I don't believe it matters if you dose BID or QD.
  3. nox


    Thats true. But I believe the jury is still out on if high test levels actually cause prostate cancer if you're not susceptible (sp?) to it through enviroment or genetics. And prostate cancer has a insanely high survival rate (like 99.9%) if caught early. There are multiple treatments available...
  4. nox

    musclechemistry funny pic archive

    OMG cock punching LMAO!!!.:D :D
  5. nox

    What gym are you training in...

    24hour fitness. 3 big guys (240+ and lean) 4 hot girls and 100 bantamweight Napleons with fight club bodies and Coleman attitudes.
  6. nox

    Guy intentionally od's on dnp

    Overdose on DNP or Taco Bell? j/k I'm glad he survived so he could post about it. But i'm wondering why his temperature was only 99.0? I guess body temp isn't as good an indicator as I thought.
  7. nox

    Rejection from a girl.

    How about something to the effect of "Why are you turning away the best thing to ever happen to you?". At best you get a reason, at worst you get kicked in the nuts.
  8. nox

    How long does insulin generally stay good for?

    The ones I see are generally next year. Thats in the fridge and unopened. Once you open them they last about a month (manufac. recommendation) at room temp.
  9. nox

    OMG I finally saw...

    Yeah, Who wouldn't want to wake up to this in the morning. Christina sans makeup.
  10. nox

    How long will hcg stay good in the frig?

    The temps I quoted were for after it is mixed. The book recommends 59-86 and not more than 104 for the powder before mixing.
  11. nox

    How long will hcg stay good in the frig?

    AHFS Drug manual (2001 edition) Its a big red book full of drugs; my personal favorite as it has way more info then Facts and Comparisons and I don't have access Dr books, yet.
  12. nox

    How long will hcg stay good in the frig?

    30-90 days depending on the specific preparation at 2-5 C (35-41 F) EDIT: I calculated wrong on the temperature: It should be 35-41, not 35-60
  13. nox


    50g protein 50g dextrose/malto combo 500mg ginger root Water Bulking: add 5g creatine and juice (orange or Grape) Keto cutting: reduce dex/malt to ~30g Gatorade is watered down. Carb drinks are for the rich. Grape juice whips the llama's ass (in a good way)
  14. nox

    Androgen Receptors

    I'm just trying to tweak my diet regimens before I jump in. In the meantime this is the stuff I like to think about. On another point - Do you think that the increased aggression with halo and fina would be a non-genomic effect? Would EQ's rise in hunger also be attributed to non-genomic effects?
  15. nox

    Androgen Receptors

    I'm excited, I'm always excited when new knowledge goes against the old. Thanks BSBW, now I've got a couple hundred more studies to read before I go to the darkside.:)
  16. nox

    Basskiller sent me

    bass sent me, great board - but it needs more smilies:D
  17. nox

    How long does it take for steriods to pernamently leave your body?

    There's a page over on anabolicreview that gives detection time of a few steroids. I don't know how accurate it is, but its a start. One to take notice of is Deca, which according to the site is up to a year and a half.
  18. nox

    hot or cold? Metabolism question

    actually, both Every mammel has a "thermal neutral zone" when the temp goes outside this range metabolism is raised. The larger the mammel the larger the zone. If it goes above the upper critical temperature then evaporative cooling (panting and sweating) and behavioral thermoregulation...
  19. nox

    Monitoring glucose while on slin

    Hi, new to the board The Freestyle machine (red box with a blue butterfly) requires very little blood compared with other machines and Precision Xtra can test for glucose and ketones so if you do a keto cut you could get some extra use out of it You have to bleed to test it. They are trying to...