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  1. Charliebrawn

    Understanding Helios ( clenbuterol yohimbine hcl blend )

    Interesting! I've been thinking about using this for a while. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Charliebrawn

    Everyone!!!>>>>> Lose fat get, gain muscle mass? Here's how

    Second that lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Charliebrawn

    The Use of Insulin Without Getting Fat During a “Cutting” Steroid Cycle

    Lol yeah man, looks like egg whites and Gatorade are best options for food lol But fricking hunger pangs are intense like being on GHRP 6. I get so hungry, I get angry....good luck diet lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Charliebrawn

    The Use of Insulin Without Getting Fat During a “Cutting” Steroid Cycle

    I'm with ya Masher, Even in days I have not pinned it feels my muscles are fuller. Anyone ever tried it with IGF? Like IGF before and skin after. Waiting for my IGF to arrive and will experiment. Tho I do feel water retention and sort of fat gain at the site of pinning. Or is it just water...
  5. Charliebrawn

    How Many Carbs Do You Need Post-Exercise?

    Here is another viewpoint for NOT using carbs during workout. As we know heavy training increases GH production in the body and insulin blunts GH, hence it is said that spiking insulin while your body is trying to pump GH as a response to your workout can make your workout counter productive...
  6. Charliebrawn

    The Use of Insulin Without Getting Fat During a “Cutting” Steroid Cycle

    Thrice = 3 times. Brit English lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Charliebrawn

    The Use of Insulin Without Getting Fat During a “Cutting” Steroid Cycle

    It is the most anabolic hormone but I think it should be more effective with AAS of course. I am experimenting with it on the last bit of my AAS cycle and use it only pwo on lagging body part days. In an attempt to improve nutrition shuttling on those specific parts while other days I train and...
  8. Charliebrawn

    Please Welcome MuscleChemistrys Newest Site Representatives…………….

    Congratulations & good luck fellas!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Charliebrawn

    Milk: It Does The Bodybuilder Good

    Thanks Big, Buffalo, I agree with the genetic predisposition, lifestyle and the ph theory as well. But after all for most of us various mechanisms of body does slow down including cancer fighting abilities, immune system, growth cell etc. Ray, yes sir, I did like the post and religiously so...
  10. Charliebrawn

    Milk: It Does The Bodybuilder Good

    Lol ludicrous! Why are we ignoring the fact that medical sciences has advanced enough for all of us to live longer on an average. Now given that cancer cells are produced (during cell multiplication process) and killed all day every day by our body. It just so happens that our bodies get less...
  11. Charliebrawn

    Aspiration FAIL!

    Aspirating is important guys. You don't want oil pushed in your vein. But be careful, when we aspirate we are pulling the plunger back and in that motion our needle tends to draw a bit too and when you go on and push the plunger it also presses the needle in by another couple mm's. That can be...
  12. Charliebrawn

    some nice pics 2..

    I can feel my test levels spiking lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Charliebrawn

    Stubborn lower ab fat. Should I try an OTC fat burner?

    Yeah, I can use some help on the side of obliques area (not big enough to call em love handles lol). And lower pecs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Charliebrawn

    Stubborn lower ab fat. Should I try an OTC fat burner?

    So you think spot reduction actually works? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Charliebrawn

    Stubborn lower ab fat. Should I try an OTC fat burner?

    Anyone had experience with spot reduction subQ stuff like Helios, injectable lcarnitine ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Charliebrawn

    generation iron ??????

    I'm sure there'll be a part two if Kai ever wins the Olympia. He's the underdog and we know how America feels about underdogs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Charliebrawn

    New attempt at calf growth... 30 days

    Gonna follow this log personally. Just looking to find a set of balls to start with ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Charliebrawn

    generation iron ??????

    Sweet! Thanks a lot bro! I'll be on it as soon as I get home from work. Much appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Charliebrawn

    generation iron ??????

    Neither of em are working anymore bro, If you have another working link that would be A-awesome!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk