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  1. saturn

    alcoholic horoscope

    I'm a gemini and that kind of fit me. I love black and tans.
  2. saturn

    Creatine..does it cause heartburn?

    I tried cell tech once and got terrible heart burn from it. I agree it's probably the ALA.
  3. saturn

    Thursday morning

    Good morning......-20 here this morning -36 wind chill. I'm still cold an 2 hours later after my drive in.
  4. saturn

    Tren breath/ cough

    I got the cough on my last cycle with tren. I sholuld go away after a little while. It seemed I always has a wierd taste in my mouth with this last cycle also. Don't worry there's nothing wrong just a common side with tren.
  5. saturn

    starting new cycle--what do u think?

    Looks solid. When you say ending with diminishing amouts do you mean you are going to taper off the dosage? I don't see any need to taper. I'm assuming you have you PCT planned out just not posting it.
  6. saturn

    Help!!!What should I have for lunch?

    Onion petals???? Arby's in your guy's areas must be much better than up here. I do like the Marked Fresh sandwiches though.
  7. saturn

    HUMP day!!

    Good afternoon.....I missed morning. I was stuck in a meeting.
  8. saturn

    Help!!!What should I have for lunch?

    I went for the chicken at Arby's but it must be a regional deal. The Arby's here has 2 sour dough melts for $4. I got what they call roast beef sour dough melt. I'm sure that isn't roast beef but some kind of pressed deer gut loaf. Not really the best lunck I've had but got me through the day.
  9. saturn

    once a week or twice a week

    I would split it. I really like KR's suggestion.
  10. saturn

    Jerry Lewis ...out of rehab for steroid addiction???

    Definitly must be cordial steroids......If you find a good rehab for the fatty foods let me know. I'll be checking myself in.
  11. saturn

    Deca.... Over rated??

    I like deca....Like max said I'm not a big fan of the bloat or being shut down but the gains have always been really good for me so I think it out weighs the sides.
  12. saturn

    computer question There you go. Follow the instructions in that thread.
  13. saturn

    Your favorite cheat meal?

    That's a big kahuna burger....that' that Hawaiian hamburger joint.:D I love that movie.
  14. saturn

    one tasty carb

    At first I thought that said pigion.......I was thinking that was kind of like eating a flying rat then I realized what you were talking about...... Those things are great. I haven't had them in a long time.
  15. saturn

    My Sister...

    Actually they aren't bad....My wife got some of those things once. Can't see that they are really all that good for you but they don't taste totally repulsive.
  16. saturn

    Hey! what the F?

    Your avatar also makes your face look real red.....Have you checked your BP latley?
  17. saturn

    A Great Day in History!

    Happy b-day.....Yes you are an old fart arnen't you.:D
  18. saturn

    Help!!!What should I have for lunch?

    Not a bad idea.....I have some change in the arm rest of my truck.
  19. saturn

    Help!!!What should I have for lunch?

    Don't have a can opener but I could get into one of those suckers with a srew driver...... Na to much work. I'd rather just knock someone down in front of Mikey D's and take thier lunch.:D
  20. saturn


    Welcome to MC......I'm sure you'll get the answers you're looking for here.