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  1. saturn

    Winter Drivers

    You suck:mad: :D I want to work form home.:(
  2. saturn

    Movie: Cabin Fever

    Bought that one.......Funny as hell. Stiffler is great.:D
  3. saturn

    Happy Friday!!

    Won't get me fired but I will be able to go home. Only thing is I'll have to do this work eventually so might as well stay for a while.
  4. saturn

    Someone Please!!!!

    Talk to me.....I'm really bored at work and if someone doesn't say something here real soon I'm going to start screaming. And then someone in the office will call the police and then they will have the paramedics sedate me and take me to county for 48 hours of observation again. So unless you...
  5. saturn

    I'm going crazy

    Well maybe not going....I'm probably long gone in that catagory but I can't get over this sickness. It's been holding on for a week now and I still feel like hell. I haven't been able to train for the last week and can't hardley eat. I went to the Dr. yesterday and was told it will probably...
  6. saturn

    favorite MRP?

    I used to like Metrx but haven't used that in a long time. nLarge is good I've used that a couple times.
  7. saturn

    Winter Drivers

    I've about had it with this winter crap. This morning it was snowing when I came into work. I don't know what's wrong with people on the roads. I like to call thier problem "Chicken Little Syndrome". When ever it rains or snows these people start to panic like the sky is falling and start...
  8. saturn

    Lab Corp Clomid 50mg/ml 30ml

    It works just as good as tabs. Just measure it out with a syringe. take the needle off of it and squirt it in your mouth. I tastes nasty so you can put it in a drink or inject it into a grape or somthing.
  9. saturn

    Movie: Cabin Fever

    If you haven't seen the movie Cabin Feaver don't bother. I rented it last night and have to say it was really bad. I seem to be having the worst luck renting DVDs latley. I can't seem to find anything that's worth watching.:(
  10. saturn

    Stupidest things you have seen in a gym...

    There are just to many to list. the other day there were a couple new guys in the gym doing seated curls. This guy would curl the weight up (20lbs) then set it on his thigh while he did a curl with the other arm. Set that one on his thigh then do another curl from his thigh to finished position...
  11. saturn

    Happy Friday!!

    I'm so glad this week is over. I'm still sick and don't want to be at work.
  12. saturn

    If I eat anymore oatmeal I think I might hurl.....

    You're bulking live a little......Worry about the fat later. Come join me in fatness it's fun.:D
  13. saturn

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid 300mg day 1 100mg day 1-12 50mg day 13-23 Nolva 20mg/ed throught the run of clomid.
  14. saturn

    Hiiiii Shuga!!

    Much better but I've been sick so haven't been able to go. My wife wants me to get better so I can take her again.
  15. saturn

    Hiiiii Shuga!!

    Hi Sugar nice to see you over here.
  16. saturn

    longest tren cycle

    12 weeks 75mg ED over the summer. I'll probably be doing 7 weeks with this next cycle if I ever get it started.
  17. saturn

    How old until slin is okay?

    I would say not until long after you're old enough for steroids.....Slin isn't something to be taken lightly. You can really mess yourself up.
  18. saturn

    Do you ever get so stressed

    I get to that point regularly......The phone company can get me from mellow to serial killer in a matter of minutes.
  19. saturn

    It's Alive!!!!

    I'm glad you finally came out of the closet.......You wern't really fooing any of us. That's why crank keeps PMing you he really want's a date.:p