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  1. saturn

    Top Ten posters

    Skip you are so mean.... What did you do delete a couple of his posts?:D
  2. saturn

    List of competitors for 2004 Arnold Classic

    I can't wait to see what Kovacs looks like after his last showing.
  3. saturn

    Top Ten posters

    Hmmmm.....That would knock him out of the top 10 wouldn't it? Ok GetnBigr what's it worth to you to keep me from deleting this thread?:D
  4. saturn

    Make sure you have all of your gear first

    Good post.....I've seen many people that have screwed up thier cycle because they didn't get all thier gear ahead of time.
  5. saturn


    I love fina....Great stregth gains and it seems to help me lean out.
  6. saturn

    pipe_girl sure is quiet

    I'm glad you all liked your Christmas presents.:D
  7. saturn

    MY F_ckin HOT TUB froze

    My wife wants 3 things for next winter. 1. Ice rink 2. Gazebo 3. Hot tub
  8. saturn

    I'm giving up coffie

    It makes up for the lack of hair on my head.:D
  9. saturn

    Top Ten posters

    There you are..... Congrats.
  10. saturn

    Top Ten posters

    You're still not on the list.
  11. saturn

    Top Ten posters

    I guess we all need goals.:D
  12. saturn

    pipe_girl sure is quiet

    No you got different pictures..... I like to personalize.:p
  13. saturn

    Good Tuesday morning!!!

    Actually that is a picture of me.... It hasn't been easy going through life with a big, green, round head.:(
  14. saturn

    pipe_girl sure is quiet

    Man pick on Saturn day....... You thought I looked mighty sexy in those waders when you asked for the pictures.:p
  15. saturn

    Good Tuesday morning!!!

    Damn.... Mental note. Next time disguise my face to.:p
  16. saturn

    Good Tuesday morning!!!

    **disguises voice** Good morning crank. **Hope he didn't realize it was me**
  17. saturn

    pipe_girl sure is quiet

    Hey...:( You're mean.:D Now I have to watch out for you to? Not just crank and GTB?:p
  18. saturn

    highest dosages...

    I keep the dosages low. The highest I've gone on test is 1.4g at the beginning of my cycle. I'll be running 1g of test this coming cycle.
  19. saturn

    pipe_girl sure is quiet

    Hey, everything I post is profound.:mad: I'm one deep individual.:p
  20. saturn

    Good Tuesday morning!!!

    Or they're afraid that they might catch what ever our problem is.:D