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  1. Massive-E

    Get big or die tryin' :)

    This is exactly the kind of experience i want to gain from being here on the board, im sure i know nothing compared to the people here ... ... I always hate it when i get taken the wrong way .. probably cause i dont phrase my posts as well as they should be by the looks of it :)
  2. Massive-E

    Get big or die tryin' :)

    Woah! Hey guys look no disrespect intended at all honestly, and sorry if it sounded that way nuknuk. I was just looking for some help that's all. I see there are plenty of questions for me to answer tomorrow. Once again I have no intention of getting anyones back up here, and apologies if...
  3. Massive-E

    Get big or die tryin' :)

    Okay fair enough on your opinion but that doesnt help me lots. I have a sh*t load of AAS at my disposal ... so what would you add to the mix if your not willing to post a useable comment of the previous questions?
  4. Massive-E

    Get big or die tryin' :)

    Hi everyone, I hope my post isnt to hard to decipher as im looking to get some quality feedback so i dont muck all this up. I have read thread after thread on dosage protocols and amounts, and just when i think i've got it nailed i find some conflicting arguements blasting my plan out of the...