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  1. U

    Tweaked my lower back...

    My lower back pain is chronic but is caused mainly by my shortened hams. Sounds odd but to get my back to loosen up, I sit on a tennis ball right where the ham meets the glute 2x 30 seconds each side. I also use a foam roller and lay with it under my lower back for a minute or two each day. I...
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    Tuna + ?

    I'm weird. A fave late night snack is a can of solid albacore, lemon juice, and a huge glass of water. Starkist and Costco (Kirkland) are the two best I've had.
  3. U

    Do you guys just go to your normal doc for blood work?

    Yes. He won't script me but he supports me being responsible and staying on top of things.
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    How much red meat do you eat?

    About half my meat intake red. I like pork and fish a lot too. Had too much chicken in my lifetime so mite do that 2-3 meals a week maybe.
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    Just out of curiousity how many of you drink?

    I usually drive when I go out so don't drink all that much. When I do, a beer with dinner is about it. Been drunk maybe twice in the past six months or so.
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    Massage after training? Good idea or bad idea?

    I've had sports therapy massage off and now for 20+ years and firmly recommend it. Not a fan of Swedish personally. I like pain :satan: One caution - if you have a body part that is still sore from the latest workout tell the PT. Deep tissue massage on a muscle that is trying to rebuild...
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    Kettle bells

    LOL too funny. I do use them to warm up sometimes, helps with my arthritis of all things (hips and shoulders). But I can't see them helping with mass.
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    how important are pullups to your back routine

    I don't do them in my back routine but I have a pull-up bar at home and do them off and on when I'm at home to keep my back and shoulders flexible.
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    Targeting rear delts

    This is what I do and really like it.
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    How many carbs you eat a day?

    I'm gaining but almost near where I want to be.