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  1. ken69dahl

    Site Injection questions

    I like to use 25g 1" pins for all my site injects. I would not try and use a slin pin oor a 29G.
  2. ken69dahl

    its soon to be my post bday!

    You are all post whores! How can I become one?
  3. ken69dahl

    contest prep time

    I will be starting my diet 16 weeks out like DPSQUAT suggests. He likes to start it out slow and get used to the diet. I like the theory and I think it would help me retain muscle and you could coast in if you are peaking to soon or hit it harder if you are not on schedule.
  4. ken69dahl

    contest prep time

    34 years, getting ready for first contest in August.
  5. ken69dahl

    DP is out

    What am I gonna do?
  6. ken69dahl

    Nervous about decisions.

    Change is good, Makes us stronger. Good Luck
  7. ken69dahl

    Tell me what ya think!

    Try running it through the Whatman again.
  8. ken69dahl

    Is this possible ??

    I have not tried Cialis yet, But Viagra does that to me.
  9. ken69dahl

    Contact Tom and ask him.
  10. ken69dahl

    Insulin+ Creatine = WOW

    I run about 25g creatine throughout the day and then I run the slin like this. 10iu's a.m. followed by a protein shake 60g protein, 108g carbs. Head to the gym and do morning workout. 1 Hour before night workout 10 iu's followed by another protein carb shake.
  11. ken69dahl


    We just rust up here in Seattle.
  12. ken69dahl

    fina conversion

    Just use the coffee filter after the pellets are disolved. Stick the filter into a funnel and pour the disolved pellets and oil into it and let it drip into the empty vial. Then filter with the watman.
  13. ken69dahl


    The main reason it is not recomended for newbies is the amount of shots you have to take. Either 75mg ed or 150mg eod.
  14. ken69dahl

    comp peeps...

    What about switching the prop for Suspension? DP?
  15. ken69dahl


    Dp, What class are you doing in Jr's? I am going to come out and watch the show.
  16. ken69dahl

    Pre-competition workouts

    How can someone get on this team? Team Skip? hehe
  17. ken69dahl

    Learning the mandatories

    Can you send it to me DP? I am practicing now for an August show and want to know all the tricks. Or you can PM me or e-mail [email protected]
  18. ken69dahl

    clean bulking?

    I have protein shakes! :eek:
  19. ken69dahl


    He was screwed! But we are all behind you bass...