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  1. ken69dahl

    secret weapon

    WOW! Sounds like a good idea.
  2. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    OK, I am too big :) to get down to middle weight for the Emerald Cup. I had my weight and b/f done 220 @ 9.13% My question now is should I diet down and enter as a light heavy? 12 weeks out now. Or should I continue to bulk and enter the Gold's as a Heavy weight? I have been out of the BB...
  3. ken69dahl

    Has anyone tried the liquidclen?

    I love the liquid, researchkits has the 30ml bottle at 120mcg/ml for $85. If you cycle it two weeks on two weeks off you would get 2 or more months, but that is all dependant of your tollerance.
  4. ken69dahl

    Presser, I hope I was not out of line with this post. I remember you saying the fina forum was removed because Chem started his own board. I just wanted to let the guys know the URL for the board.
  5. ken69dahl

    For those of you who have conversion questions should check out For all those fellow chemist out there :D
  6. ken69dahl

    New Board for the self Chemist

    Visit A great place to learn how to do your own chemical expiriments.
  7. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    Well the deal is I am getting old (34) and I have 2 kids. I have always wanted to get on stage and this is my year. I am not sure yet about the Emerald Cup I need to meet with a guy this weekend to discuss it. I would really like to just hit at least the 6 shows in the last 8 weeks of the...
  8. ken69dahl


    Is there a problem?
  9. ken69dahl

    Winstrol Inj. problems

    Need to shake it up real well, maybe even inject with an oil based gear in the same pin.
  10. ken69dahl

    were is NAPALM?

    If he competed as middleweight last year, He won and also won the overall. I also heard that that guy is bringing a bunch of guys up from Cali with him that are suppose to be animals.
  11. ken69dahl

    were is NAPALM?

    Well lets find him I have some questions for him. Do you know what weight class he was in, I have pics of the guys.
  12. ken69dahl

    were is NAPALM?

    Who is he and what is his relationship to the Emerald Cup?
  13. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    Thanks, I plan on winning all of them.
  14. ken69dahl


    I am sure people have done it, But I would not recommend it for you. I really believe in a good base tan for the best look.
  15. ken69dahl

    Pro Tan tip

    Any of you tried that Hot Oil, it is methol based and is suppose to increase your vascularity. You use it as a posing oil.
  16. ken69dahl

    My show dates this year so far..

    If you can hit 8 weeks go for it, I will start slow at week 12 and increase aggresivness as needed.
  17. ken69dahl


  18. ken69dahl

    Pro Tan tip

    I am going to use Pro Tan and follow it with Dream Tan. dream Tan has a oil in it so you don't need oil.
  19. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    I plan on it! I will see if I can hold the bf% down and hit the last 6 shows. They run 6 shows in 8 weeks and I think I can take all of them this year.