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  1. ken69dahl

    My show dates this year so far..

    Presser, You have dieted down before and would probably know better than anyone else if 8 weeks is enough time for you to hit it. Do you have super heavy class? 235-240 at 5% would be awesome. But I would say that if you are happy with your size now then start cutting earlier. The more...
  2. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    Thanks Al, Yah they don't have a new schedule posted for here yet.
  3. ken69dahl

    Competition Scedules

    Do you guys know of any site that is listing the 2003 schedules yet. I have 8 shows I plan on doing this year and I need to get the dates set, so I can be ready. I hate waiting to find out, I like to have everything written out and ready to go. Thanks Ken
  4. ken69dahl

    My show dates this year so far..

    Depends on what weight class you are aiming for and how much you need to loose. I will be competeing April 12, in the Emerald Cup (Biggest show on the West Coast) Then in June The West Coast no date set yet. Then there are 6 shows in 8 weeks I will be hitting end of September- Nov
  5. ken69dahl

    Hey skip!!!

    Yah SKIP!
  6. ken69dahl

    Pro Tan tip

    Sounds easy, I have not tried that.
  7. ken69dahl

    how far out do you start your comp diet?

    The general rule is 12 weeks, Most people can hit their peak in the 12 week time frame.
  8. ken69dahl

    Bicep injections

    Triceps are pretty similar as the bicep injections. I shoot 2 cc's in each and the only pain is after just from stretching them out.
  9. ken69dahl

    cookie problems?

    Click tools, internet options, security tab and lower the security to allow cookies.
  10. ken69dahl

    new member

    WELCOME to MC!
  11. ken69dahl


    I only wear fur lined turtlenecks :)
  12. ken69dahl

    T3 Dosage Question

    12.5mcg for 5-7 days (optional but recommended) 37.5mcg for 5 days 75mcg for 15 days 50mcg for 5 days 37.5mcg for 5 days 25mcg for 5 days 12.5 mcg for 5 days 6.25mcg for 5-7 days No more than 6 weeks
  13. ken69dahl

    ? on frontloading

    I wouldn't take the fina and d-bol together, tough on the liver. I would run the d-bol the first 4 weeks then run the fina from week 4 out.
  14. ken69dahl

    taking liquidex

    I just fill an entire syringe and squirt the amount of drops I need into my mouth.
  15. ken69dahl

    New Guy

  16. ken69dahl

    WE ARE BACK!!!

    Good to be back up!
  17. ken69dahl

    sayin G'day

  18. ken69dahl

    HGH and age????

    I have used GH at the age of 25 and loved it, now 34 and looking to start it again with this next cut cycle.