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  1. ken69dahl

    what size....

    I use 25g 1.5 inch
  2. ken69dahl


    That is why they are the best!
  3. ken69dahl

    Would I be sued

    What if I downloaded it and then zipped it to presser? Or I could burn on a disk and send it his way.
  4. ken69dahl

    Would I be sued

    What if we scanned it made it a PDF file and placed it on KAZAA for downloading.
  5. ken69dahl

    Hey Bros

    I am lost I guess I didn't catch the situation, Either way Keep your head up and things always happen for a reason.
  6. ken69dahl

    Bulking Cycle & Cardio

    I would not do any cardio if bulk is your main goal!
  7. ken69dahl

    Cycle Help

    Split the GH into 2 shots a.m./p.m. You really need to research before you use T-3, You need to cycle it up and down even slower than up. No more than 6 weeks of T-3 Also I wouldn't start clen at 6 tabs unless you already know your tolerence level. Tapering it up to your tolerence level then...
  8. ken69dahl

    presser's contest

    Good idea!
  9. ken69dahl

    Just Recieved this one

    HE HE !!!
  10. ken69dahl


    Chem, I must say you guys are great and you have a customer for life. :D
  11. ken69dahl

    T-3 anyone like it?

    I actually had to take it out of my cycle I was getting to lean an dvascualr with it. I can't wait to add it to my cut cycle.
  12. ken69dahl

    its been slow here latly, is the new opening page a problem for any?

    Livinlarger make sure you have cookies anabled ot you will keep having those issues. I could get to the site but couldn't post or reply and couldn't figure it out until I realized I had to have the cookies enabled. Presser, The opening page is not an issue here either, and when you get done...
  13. ken69dahl


    I hope you can get the water out before the show so you don't sweat on stage.
  14. ken69dahl

    exp date ?

    It's all good!
  15. ken69dahl

    two more questions for you all.

    Charge for what?
  16. ken69dahl

    two more questions for you all.

    1. 2. It is cheap so why not?
  17. ken69dahl

    Lagging bodypart-arms

    OK, Maybe I will ellaborate a little more. I agree with Sully, too many people end up over training. I hit them twice a week, but I only do three exercises for 6-8 reps each. Just enough give them a pump, then let them rest and hit them in a couple days again. I don't think you need to beat the...