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  1. ken69dahl

    Lagging bodypart-arms

    I am 5'9" and 200lbs 8-9%bf Also taking Fina, I have had to hit my arms more often, since they are a smaller muscle and heal faster. I hit arms Mon p.m., Wed a.m. and every other Fri p.m. workouts. Hit them hard and to failure and they will grow. If that doesn't work get some synthol :)
  2. ken69dahl

    Liquid Clen for my Girl

    Same as for guys, start with a few drops ed untill she gets the shakes and back off a couple for maintenance dose.
  3. ken69dahl

    what style posing trunks u all wear?

    Get a custom fit suit which can help draw attention to good areas and hide poor ones. I like the thin side with the V cut between the glutes, gives a nice V taper look for your back.
  4. ken69dahl

    ? need some help

    Right away!
  5. ken69dahl

    fina filter question??

    It shouldn't be that difficult, it does take some pressure and time to get it through the filter. What size syringe and pin are you using?
  6. ken69dahl

    Posing songs?

    I use Cool Edit Pro!
  7. ken69dahl

    Madchemist's Cutting starts RiTeNOW!!!

    What is your stack like?
  8. ken69dahl

    Posing songs?

    I have some coming in now! I am going to be using some music from the show and adding in special effects, (thunder crashes wheen striking poses etc..)
  9. ken69dahl

    Posing songs?

    Presser, go download some audio from the Conan movie, it works real well for posing real dramatic presentaions. I will do a search and see what I can find
  10. ken69dahl

    my flash skills here...

    It is possible, I love working with Flash, but this net admin job keeps me too busy to play with it. I like it so far!
  11. ken69dahl

    Well my fina is done

    Now go make more to feed them COWS!
  12. ken69dahl

    What other sport do y'all like to play

    Chutes and Ladders, Go Fish, Old Maid
  13. ken69dahl

    What's your favorite protein bar?

    My opinion, I like the taste of the Bio bars!
  14. ken69dahl

  15. ken69dahl

    Hi everyone

  16. ken69dahl

    OT: 09/11

    I wish your bro a safe trip and early return home.
  17. ken69dahl

    How many of you have ink

    They are adicting!
  18. ken69dahl

    American Idol

    I missed it last night, But I would tear the F outta Nicky though!