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  1. ken69dahl

    Diuretic Help

    Dude, When I take ECA and then go do a bachelorette party my shit gets all shrunk up. Unless you are going to tie your shit off before you go in I would just dehydrate yourself to get the extra water off.
  2. ken69dahl

    Teeth Guards

    I just set my teeth on the bench next to me :D
  3. ken69dahl

    5 weeks half way done!!!

    What are you taking fight now?
  4. ken69dahl

    Crunches with weight!

    You should see me do legg lifts! :)
  5. ken69dahl

    Have a grrrrrrrrrreat.....

    Thanks, and you do the same!
  6. ken69dahl

    how do i get an icon next to my nick

    Click the User cp up top, and then click Edit Options go down to Avatar.
  7. ken69dahl is giving away 10 kits today

    I thought chem gave all his kits away, they are just for research?
  8. ken69dahl


    I wear the same thing but I train at 24 Hr Fitness
  9. ken69dahl

    drug tests

    They will not be looking for gear with this type of test. I have had a few of these done and they are more interested in recreational drugs.
  10. ken69dahl

    Whats more effective, Clen or ECA?

    You did say you were getting headaches from clen! First off headaches are a common side effect of clen, but clen is by far better than ECA. Just my opinion, cause I used to get real bad headaches from clen that I stopped taking it. Try getting the liquid clen with ketotifin in it. I take it...
  11. ken69dahl

    New Member

    Sorry, I will add my web adress to my sig line! :D Ken Dahl is a gigolo, I just play one on TV.:D BTW, The silouette is Ken before AS....
  12. ken69dahl

    New Member

    I like all the LOVE I am getting here, Thanks guys!
  13. ken69dahl

    HGH question

    Yes, The water with the kit will make your G only good for about 24 hours. You can get a 30ml bottle of Bacterial Static water for $4 from Also I would run the G at 4iu ed not eod.
  14. ken69dahl


  15. ken69dahl

    I got 2 free training sessions at 24hr. should I go? is so what should I ask for?

    Damn! I pay 9.79 a month at 24hr and I think I pay to much!
  16. ken69dahl


    I think it is over there!
  17. ken69dahl

    huge upperbody and no legs

    Are these the same guys wearing the wife beaters?
  18. ken69dahl

    I'm too impatient!!!

    I am going to bump just to get to # 10 hehe...
  19. ken69dahl

    Boiled Eggs, Brown, or White? does it matter?

    I think you are still only going to get about 3 grams per egg either way.